


2 years, 10 months ago


Name: Prophet (at least that's what he goes by)

Series: Animals

Age: ???

Gender: Male (he/him/himself)

Species: Star Fox

Favorite Food: Stardust Parfait

Element: Light

Powers: Levitation, light beam, revealing light, star beam, etc (more to add later)

Catch Phrase: "These words have been whispered among the stars..."

Likes: Peace and quiet, gazing at the stars, time to himself, magic, sweets, and reading.

Dislikes: Large crowds, being the center of attention, Glades, violence, bitter foods, cold climates, and letting lots of people know that he's a Star Fox.

Personality: Prophet is a calm and quiet individual. When speaking, he is often quick and to the point with his words. Looking closer under his mask of mysteriousness will reveal that Prophet is a bit on the shy side, and will sometimes get embarrassed by the antics of the other characters. Despite being rather intelligent, he's the only person convinced that his status as a Star Fox is a secret. He is, however, okay with people that he trusts knowing that he's a Star Fox and will occasionally show a smile to the ones he considers to be friends.

Home: Space

History: Prophet grew up in space with his other Star Foxes. Most of his past is a mystery, but at some point he began aiding an old magician in preventing corruption in the galaxy. He also began going by the name "Prophet" at some point and begun trying to hide the fact that he's a Star Fox (he isn't good at this).

Late into the story, Prophet arrives to deliver important intel on Glades' plans to the heroes.

Current-Bio: Prophet is very difficult to find, and usually only shows up when he has important information to deliver to the heroes. However, he can occasionally be found with Lilith. He appears to have key information regarding the disappearance of Nytress, Shine and Latin's older brother...

Meta-History: Prophet was created for two reasons: 1. I needed a mysterious character with important information for the heroes for plot reasons, and 2. I wanted a Star Fox character who was actually a Star Fox. Whenever I would post the purple and pink Star Foxes (Shine and Luna) I always felt kinda bad because they technically are just shapeshifters who like to take the form of a Star Fox. I needed one that was actually a Star Fox, dang it! >:U His role in the story is mostly the same as when he was created. I imagine him as having a deeper voice, while most of my characters (my non-human ones at least) don't have very deep voices. The old magician mentioned in his history section is from the same story that Nui was originally for.

Relationships with Other Characters:

Lilith: Despite their largely different personalities, Prophet and Lillith are good friends.

If I think of anything else I'll add it later.