



Name: Sicily

Series: Animals

Age: 15 (8 in the first story arc and 15 in the last)

Gender: Female (she/her/herself)

Species: Colors Dragon (possibly a robot)

Favorite Food: Chicken Legs

Element: Earth/Dragon (assuming she's not a robot)

Powers: Can change the color of her skin to match the environment and also with her mood (blue = content), spiky tail attack, dragon breath, can turn her hands into cannons, can (supposedly) remove her head and screw it back on, (more to add later)

Catch Phrase: "Don't be silly ____ dear!"

Likes: Causing mischief, stealing money/valuables, singing, being pampered, being the center of attention, and perfume.

Dislikes: Being called a robot or being asked about her robotic nature (she will always deny it), having her plans seen through, Striga, rust, poor people, and the ocean.

Personality: On the outside, Sicily appears to be a sweet and somewhat ditzy girl with a slight flirtiness to her and a smile that rarely disappears. However, Sicily is actually quite cunning, malicious, and manipulative under her demure surface. For one, she seems to have a habit of planning romantic dates in locations that dangerous monsters live in, and seems to be quite good at "accidentally" leading the heroes into ambushes by the villains. She rarely loses her smile, even when laughing at the suffering of her victims. She's also known at being a master of convincing others that "she's changed" after failing to kill them in one of her "accidents", but she eventually finds that the heroes wouldn't believe this anymore. She will always deny being a robot even when she turns her hands into cannons.

Home: Animal Planet: Spiky Desert

History: At some point before meeting the heroes, Sicily joined SAC under her own free will with the desire to "cause trouble". In a scheme to mess with the heroes, Sicily became acquainted with them and eventually became Colors' girlfriend. However, she spend much of her time leading them all into deadly traps, only to apologize and pretend she knew nothing when they all survive. Eventually her true alliance is revealed and Sicily switches to full-time antagonist. How she became robotic is unknown.

Current-Bio: Sicily is currently an antagonist to the heroes. She occasionally tries to trick them into thinking she's turned over a new leaf, but the heroes believe this less over the course of the story.

Meta-History: Sicily's nature as a Colors Dragon has a similar origins as Colors (see the meta section on his bio). She was created around the same time as Striga as a sort-of love interest for Colors, but with a twist that she's actually a villain and a spy. Her robotic nature was likely inspired by the androids in Dragon Ball Z and other robots in media. I've never really been able to decide if she's completely robotic or only partially. I really haven't drawn or used her much over the years despite the fact that she plays a part in a story arc (in fact this is the first fully colored drawing of her).

Relationships with Other Characters:

Colors: Sicily acts as Colors' girlfriend for a story arc before her nature as a spy is revealed. She remains flirty with him after the reveal, but isn't afraid to attack him either.

Sally: Sicily finds Sally annoying, but acts sweet around her when with Colors.

Striga: Sicily has a mutual hatred for Striga.

If I think of anything else I'll add it later!