
2 years, 11 months ago


Name: Nui Tarriet

Series: Animals (and others)

Age: ????

Gender: Female (she/her/herself)

Species: Celedon (can turn into a rabbit and a human)

Favorite Food: Black Tea

Element: Dark (probably)

Powers: Dark magic, teleportation, transformation into rabbit and human forms, can summon a strange blade that belongs to a powerful demon, levitation, (more to add later)

Catch Phrase: "You're a liar."

Likes: Invading planets, eating people, dark magic, demon swords, the suffering of others, riddles, meat, and slapstick cartoons.

Dislikes: Carrots, light magic users, being called a squid (as a Celedon). being asked too many questions, and having her time wasted by others.

Personality: Nui is rarely seen without a smile and often talks with a calm sense of glee. Whether she's sleeping, in a fight, or killing someone, Nui rarely ceases her smiles. She's known to talk as if she's singing all of her words, and enjoys talking in riddles. Despite her happy appearance, Nui is violent and sadistic, and enjoys the pain of others. Since she has teamed up with Glades, Nui has become less quick to act on her urge to kill in favor of making her victims suffer more. She's also become more cunning and insightful. She enjoys taunting her enemies during battle. Nui's eyes are usually shut, and a sign of her becoming more serious and dangerous is her eyes being open. However, when in her true Celedon form, Nui drops her playfulness in favor acting more like a monster.

Home: The Celedon Empire

History: Nui grew up in the Celedon Empire, and had a normal childhood, or at least what would be considered normal for Celedons. In her youth, she was taught how to invade planets and eat the citizens, an activity she greatly enjoyed doing. On one particular planet she was invading, she learned of magic and became curious about its power. Nui posed as a local to learn magic, and once she mastered it she finished her invasion. One day she encountered space conqueror Glades and was surprisingly given an offer of cooperation under the agreement that if Nui helps Glades eliminate her enemies, the space police will completely ignore Nui's crimes (new and old). Nui found the offer too good to turn down.

Current-Bio: Nui currently works for Glades and the Celedon Empire at the same time. She shows up late in the story, first as a strange character who says important but vague  things to the heroes. Eventually Nui's true nature as an enemy comes to  light, and she becomes one of their toughest enemies.

Meta-History: Nui was created in 2014 and was originally for a story involving human characters: In that story, Nui was supposed to be a mysterious witch from space who worked with a boy named Malt in order to awaken an ultimate evil that actually lived inside of the protagonist of the story. While I wrote a decent outline for the story, I never actually did much with it (probably because I got into writing my witch story) but I liked Nui's character and I ended up importing her into Animals as a rabbit, because she's not allowed to be a human in Animals. >:U Not that it really matters since she's actually a Celedon, a rather antagonistic empire in the galaxy. Her name was directly taken from Nui Harime from Kill la Kill because I was watching it at the time and liked the name.  

Relationships with Other Characters:

Glades: Nui has a partnership with Glades, and is happily to kill anyone that Glades needs dead.

If I think of anything else I'll add it later.