


2 years, 10 months ago


Name: Pikari (real name unknown)

Series: Animals (and others)

Age: ?? (dead)

Gender: Female (she/her/herself)

Species: Angel (formerly human)

Favorite Food: Angel Food Cake

Element: Light

Powers: Flight, revealing light, guiding light, fire arrow, transformation into a Pygmy Pearls of Color (more to add later)

Catch Phrase: "Please be safe." and "Chibi!" (as a Pygmy)

Likes: Good deeds, sweets, sunny days, the smiles of others, praying, and helping others,

Dislikes: People touching her neck, evil people, rain, being asked about the life she doesn't remember, sharp objects, and complicated situations.

Personality: Pikari is a very kind and thoughtful individual. She's selfless and always keen to help others with a good cause. She's very loyal to Ameritis and to the people of the universe that she wishes to aid. She does have a playful side, mainly in her Pygmy form, and can also be a bit forgetful at times. While she is aware of the fact that she doesn't remember her life, part of her remains curious about the details despite knowing that she's not supposed to remember them.

Home: ????

History: Pikari lived as a human, but died young in an unfortunate tragedy. She was chosen by the goddess Ameritis to become an angel, but had her memories sealed due to the tragic nature of them. She was sent to help the heroes, but mysteriously got turned into a creature known as a Pygmy  Pearls of Color before she was able to arrive. Unable to directly communicate outside of saying "Chibi!", Pikari was unable to help the heroes for quite some time. Due to not even being able to learn her name, they dubbed her "Pikari", which she kept later on. Late into the story she regains her angel form and is able to directly communicate with the heroes.

Current-Bio: Pikari currently works as an angel for Ameritis and is helping the heroes on her behalf. Late into the story, Pikari comes across a device that makes her remember her past life and death...and loses her mind.

Meta-History: Pikari started off as a random Pygmy character I made. Her only being  able to say "Chibi" was inspired by Chibi Chibi from Sailor Moon. The name "Pikari" was taken from Dawn from the Pokemon anime, specially her Japanese version Hikari's embarrassing nickname. I don't completely  remember what led to me giving her a humanoid form, but I've been a bit inconsistent with it. While I've finally established that she's an angel, I've been changing her outfit a few times now, including adding bandages to her neck for the first time in her bio picture of all places. Originally she was just a random angel, but then I realized she could be connected to a character in one of my human stories and went with it. In other words, her dead human self will eventually get a bio when I get to making bios for that story.

Relationships with Other Characters:

Ameritis: Pikari was chosen to become an angel by Ameritis and was sent to help the heroes late into the story.

If I think of anything else I'll add it later.