Ms. Flisch



2 years, 11 months ago


Name: Ms. Flisch

Series: Animals

Age: Always claims to be 20

Gender: Female (she/her/herself)

Species: Minx Cat

Favorite Food: Instant ramen

Element: Neutral

Powers: The ability to go on weird rants with a stoic demeanor.

Catch Phrase: "I don't get paid enough for this job..."

Likes: Smoking, MMOs, strange (but mostly harmless) conspiracies, staying up all night, sleeping in late, and simple meals.

Dislikes: Being asked about her age, waking up early, bad wi-fi, chalk prices, and metal music.

Personality: Ms. Flisch is tired and unmotivated. It's rare for her to show emotion outside of irritation and occasional anger. While she does occasionally try to look out for her students, she often grows impatient with their nonsense, but in her defense she has a very weird class. She has an uncanny ability to go off-topic in the middle of class on bizarre rants such as "trees are planning to other throw society" with a straight, stoic face. She also occasionally starts smoking while on school  grounds, only to stop when her students remind her that she's at a school. Outside of work, Ms. Flisch's life seems to be dominated by an MMO. She will always claim to be 20 years old, and it's unwise to suggest otherwise.

Home: Animal Planet: Miniman Town

History: Ms. Flisch was born and raised in Miniman Town. She had a mostly normal childhood, but did take up smoking in her teenage years. While initially unsure of what career path she wished to take, she eventually settled on teaching. Sometime before the start of the story, Ms. Flisch was the kindergarten teacher for the main characters, and has for some reason been promoted to each the next grade every time their class reaches that grade. In other words, Ms. Flisch always ends up being the teacher of the main characters even when they enter middle school and high school (as a home-room teacher) whether she likes it or not.

Current-Bio: Ms. Flisch is currently the teacher of the main characters. She occasionally can be found playing an MMO game outside of work.

Meta-History: Ms. Flisch was created around the same time as Manx and Veronica. When I finally realized that my characters should probably go to school I needed to design a teacher. Most of my teachers were pretty good, so it's a little ironic that I ended up creating an unmotivated teacher who's arguably a bad example for her students. I'm guessing this was inspired by the occasional substitute teachers we'd get who seemed to not want to be there. Really though, I don't think I had any bad teachers at this point (so sometime in 7th grade) so I really don't know why I felt like making a bad teacher. Flisch definitely isn't the worst teacher though, and maybe she'd actually like her job more if she wasn't stuck with the same wacky class every year. I also don't know why I decided that she smokes, but she's my only character who does.

Relationships with Other Characters:

Racket: While Racket believes that he is Ms. Flisch's favorite student, he's actually her least favorite.