Envy: Cana Dante



6 years, 8 months ago


【 Name 】 Cana Dante
【 Age 】 16
Gender 】 Female
【 Status 】Single
【 Alias 】 Pride
【 Origin 】 Venice, Italy
【 Ethnicity 】 Italian
【 Birthday】12/15
【 Theme 】U.N Owen was Her?

【Height】 5' 10"
【Skin tone】 Fair Skinned
【Hair Color】 Golden Blonde
【Build】 Childlike
【Eye color】 Bright Green
【Hair styleShort Curved Bob
【Style】 Envy Style Board
【 Positives 】
  • Honest
  • Energetic
  • Outgoing
【 Negatives 】
  • Insecure
  • Easily Flustered
  • Gullible

Cana is an impulsive young woman with a short temper (not as a short as Ira, but close).  She can be quite the brat and loves to get under peoples' skin with the best insults and intense sarcasm.  However, this mostly due to the intense envy Cana feels towards all the grown ups, and especially towards Ira. 

 She is very insecure and uses barbs as a way to hide that insecurity.  She is very gullible and is prone to fall victim to pranks which makes her even more of a spit fire.  However, she is loyal to the family and watches out for them with her keen eyes.



Cana is the youngest and perhaps pissiest of the Dante family.  She was far too young to partake in the coup, but she wanted to be a part of the family, wanted to become one of the enforcers.  So she snuck some of the same drugs forced onto Ira, Orsin, and Sybil into herself.  Unfortunately, while he healing regeneration and strength have increased impressively and her eyes became as sharp as a hawk, she was physically and emotionally stunted.

This was a deeply unsettling and the older she got, the angrier she became, often putting the blame onto Ira.  She despised the older woman for what happened, often taking a shot at her, or trying to win fights against her.  As she got older, she tried to act older but her stunted emotional growth makes her still immature.  She is loud, obnoxious, but also very loyal to her family, even to Ira, doing her best to protect them from very, very, very long distances.

No one escapes her sight,

pride__darrion_dante_by_artisticallystraPride: Darrion DantePrecious Big Brother The only person she is nice to happens to be Darrion, her older brother whom she admires.  It is a sore spot that Darrion gave his position to Ira.  She pretends that Ira stole the position from Darrion and often voices her sympathy for her 'poor' older brother.  She loves him and enjoys being spoiled by him; the two are often inseparable in the Manor whenever he is home.
greed_by_artisticallystrange-d94j2by.jpgGreed: Edward DanteA Old Fart She hates the fact that Edward treats her like kid.  To be fair, he was a far older adult who watched over her when she was a very young child but it still bothers her.  Edward has some respect for her and allows her to join into some business meetings he has with Ira to humor her, but once in a while, she is kicked out, which, predictably, pisses her off.
gluttony__orsin_dante_by_artisticallystrGluttony: Orsin DanteFatass  Cana bosses Orsin around and insults him much like she insults everyone else.  She tries hard not to be nice to him, but sometimes she does because he is so darn NICE to her and actually treats her with a little bit of respect.  She and Orsin usually race each other to the kitchen whenever Tristan is in there since they both want to have the first taste.  They are currently tied.
wrath__ira_dante_by_artisticallystrange-Wrath: Ira DanteThe Bitch   Cana tries to kill Ira often; they spar with each other, Cana tries to snipe Ira, etc.  She also insults Ira the most, calling her vicious names and often lording her brother over Ira.  Usually, Ira shrugs it off or teases Cana, which only pisses Cana off.  However, whenever Cana is successful in annoying or angering Ira, Cana immediately backs off, showing an innate and deep fear of the older woman. This fear also shows a grudging respect and deep admiration for Ira; Cana wishes she can be like the fiery woman which is probably why Cana is so hot-headed herself and has such a colorful language; she wants to be what she pretends to despise.
sloth__sybil_dante_by_artisticallystrangSloth: Sybil DanteThe Cripple   Cana knows Sybil is fucking with her half the time.  She just knows it, but can't prove it nor can't go against Sybil because she would feel bad.  So all she can do is curse and yell when she is a victim of a prank.

lust_tristan_dante_by_artisticallystrangLust: Tristan DanteThe Slut Cana tries to get Tristan's attention and usually she fails; she does it to try and annoy Ira, but Tristan either acts ignorant or is gentle in his rejections by treating Cana like a 'little princess'.  It pisses her off, but due to Tristan's stunning good looks and easy going demeanor, Cana can't help but forgive him.  He also distracts her with baked goods.
seraph__eva_jones_by_artisticallystrangeSeraph: Eva JonesDIE ALREADY She is a nuisance; he makes sure than she is seen as an obstruction to justice and a violent vigilante.  He is also not very happy about Eva's ties to Ira; he would prefer Ira would kill her than just humiliate her but it seems that once again, Ira's personal ties override his caution.

More Information
【 DeviantArt Full Profile 】Envy: Cana Dante Full Bio
【 Full Gallery 】Envy Full Gallery
【 Japanese Seiyu 】 Ashely Johnson
【 English Voice Actor】Kae Araki