Onyx (Advanced relationship tracker)






Can be shipped: idc | Fusion headcanon: Star Onyx

Team theme song:
I.C.-0n's Theme (remix)





As devoted followers of their court, they hold very similar standards. They both know if something connected to those above them feels off, it's best to turn a blind eye to it and follow without further questions.

While Star has zero idea who Onyx really is, she suspects the danger surrounding her answers, thus trying to discourage Elbaite from ever talking about them in front of their friends.

Onyx, despite also having little to no information about Star, thinks a sapphire like her doesn't wish for any trouble, making her the only member of the main six who appears completely innocent and harmless in their eye.




Can be shipped: idc | Fusion headcanon: -x-

Team theme song:
Neko Echo (Nightcore)





Despite never meeting face to face, they're both quite aware of the other's existence, wondering what would happen in their hypothetical encounter.

Elbaite was a known troublemaker in Onyx's mission with Garnet. Onyx was usually the one planning against Melon's sabotages, shortage of supplies and spreading rebellion to more gems. Garnet then polished these ideas and executed them in front of the public eye. Anytime Melanite came with the results, there wasn't a day she didn't complain about Tourmaline in some way, giving them a bad image in Onyx's eye. Struggling to fight them was definitely annoying.

The final straw, however, was witnessing Garnet's kidnapping. It was that moment Onyx, for the first time in their life, felt an indescribable level of rage and worry that later transformed into a deep-rooted hatred.

Onyx is quite fascinated by their strong opinions against Tourmaline, especially since Moissanite always talked down on them as incapable to feel such emotions.

Melon is hardly bothered by them. It's difficult to care about someone you barely know, especially since you have so many other rivals (garnets) to deal with.



Comrade | Former coworker

Can be shipped: I won't stop u 👀| Fusion headcanon: Schorl

Team theme song:
You're Gonna Need a Bigger Ukulele





Out of curiosity, Moissanite arranged an agreement to lend one of their facility subjects, Onyx, to assist newly promoted Garnet organize her missions, troops and other responsibilities regarding leadership.

For Melanite, meeting someone who doesn't follow the standard public hierarchy felt awkward at first, but her young open mind adjusted to this strange phenomenon surprisingly fast. They had zero issues assigning each other roles for their mission nor got in a conflict like garnet nobles tend to.

As time went on, Melanite started to fully realize how relaxing is working with someone who for once doesn't judge her for anything, threats her always equally and respectfully compared to members of White's court. This made her very comfortable spending time in Onyx's chamber and talking about themes other than work. Onyx, whose mind is never occupied by practically anything, has proven to be a great listener as well as a loyal support and a resilient opponent during free time battle practice.

Even though their shared mission ended a long time ago, Melanite still visits Onyx quite frequently, especially if she's stressed. Knowing how little those around care, they both feel responsible to keep each other company. In addition to this, Garnet tries to insure her comrade is, through her eyes, in touch with the outside world and also themselves.

Onyx's low expressiveness and comprehension of humor can be sometimes challenging to deal with. Saying it never frustrates Garnet would be a lie, but luckily, she has enough understanding of their capabilities that it's never too big of a deal.



Fears | Owner

Can be shipped: idc | Fusion headcanon: Black Moissanite

Team theme song:
Rainbow Factory





One might say their relationship is the same as between a fancy pearl and their master, with the only difference being pearl's strength to be used as a weapon. Despite Onyx being the, at the first glance, more intimidating one, it's the shining Moissanite pulling all the strings.

Moissanite sees them as their limited edition puppet- literally. Before Melanite entered their facility, Moiss didn't even believe Onyx had the capacity to care about someone. In fact, they've never been interested in Onyx until that point, simply because other problematic inhabitants they guard needed way more attention.

It's clear that Onyx follows Moissanite's orders without a second of hesitation and tolerates any teasing they might hear. This obedience most likely isn't only motivated by their mental lack of rebelliousness, but perhaps an indescribable sense of fear too. Onyx has unfortunately seen what Moissanite is truly capable of if they lose their temper, thus trying to avoid angering them at all cost... -especially when Garnet is around. They must protect her.