


2 years, 8 months ago


Name: "Nemmy" Nemphis Junior

Series: Animals

Age: 13,000 (12,993 in the first arc and 13,000 in the last)

Gender: Male (he/him/himself)

Species: Nymphian

Favorite Food: Fish and chips

Element: Water

Powers: Various water attacks, shining beam, camera hacking, can breath under water, etc (more to add later)

Catch Phrase: "I don't know if I can do it." and "I want to know the truth."

Likes: Cameras, hacking, seafood, being in the background, helping others, winter clothing, salty foods, and being able to decide his own future.

Dislikes: Pressure to become the next emperor, feeling like he's failed his father and citizens, Glades, conflict, being the center of attention, fighting, and spicy peppers.

Personality: Nemmy is very timid and cowardly. He shrinks away from the spotlight at every possible opportunity, and finds it difficult to speak when under pressure. He prefers to be at his father's side, where he feels safest. However, Nemmy has a fear of disappointing his father if he ever finds out that Nemmy doesn't want to be the next emperor, and thus Nemmy goes out of his way to hide these feelings. Despite these feelings, Nemmy is indecisive about his future, and doesn't know what he truly wants to do. Ever since his father disappeared, Nemmy has been very depressed and mopey, but is too scared to confront Glades. While Nemmy is too cowardly to fight against his enemies, he knows a great deal about their plans due to his camera hacking skills, and could turn the tables on Glades with a little confidence and help.

Home: Nymphia

History: Sometime before the start of the story, Nemmy was born on planet Nymphia. From a young age, Nemmy admired his father Nemphis, and strived to do his best as the emperor's son despite his timid nature. During this time, he became acquainted with Miki, Shine, Luna, Latin, Flutter, and Glades, the latter of which was just a scientist for quite some time. However, one day Nemmy's comfy life took a dark turn when his father went missing and Glades took over as emperor, then declaring war on several of their closest allies. Many of his then-friends either disappeared or became allies with Glades, leaving Nemmy alone and depressed. It's not until he meets the heroes and reunites with Shine and Luna that he begins to feel any hope. In the final story arc, he joins the main characters group in hopes of finally stopping Glades.

Current-Bio: Nemmy currently lives on planet Nymphia, but is largely detached from his fellow Nymphians. He spends a lot of time with the heroes (mainly Sketches, Lightning, Shine, and Luna) and is key in providing them information about Glades and her plans. While still a timid coward, Nemmy is slowly growing more confident.

Meta-History: Nemmy shares his origins with his father, being based on an old creature design my brother and I created called "Ux". His role hasn't changed much since his creation, as he's meant to be the timid son of the missing emperor who needs the power of friendship to gain the courage to save his people, or something along those lines. He didn't originally have a scarf and beanie but I doodled him wearing that on my school notes once and it just stuck. He's also the first bio in awhile to have a canon age instead of question marks. The Nymphians  are similar to Star Beings and Lunarians in that they're long-lived and age very slowly, so Nemmy is just a teenager by his species standards. He also had a mom in an old DA muro comic Prince but I'm not sure if she still exists. It's complicated. Despite listing the Nymphians as male and female, I've started to view them similarly to the Namekians in Dragonball Z, which are a one-gender race that reproduce asexually. I'm still figuring this lore out though, but it means that his mom, the queen, no longer seems to exist. |D She's gone 5ever.

Relationships with Other Characters:

Sketches: Sketches and Nemmy become good friends after meeting one another.

Lightning: Nemmy and Lightning become good friends after meeting one another.

Shine: Nemmy and Shine are good friends. Nemmy is slightly jealous of Shine's positivity and confidence, and doesn't understand why the star prince isn't more worried about confronting Glades.

Luna: Nemmy and Luna are good friends.

Latin: Nemmy has been friends with Latin for most of his life and looks up to her like an older sister.

Flutter: Nemmy finds Flutter to be very smart and respects him greatly, but he's not fond of Flutter's insistence that he becomes the next emperor.

Glades: Nemmy is terrified of Glades. As much as he wants to know what's happened to his father, he's too afraid to confront her.

Nemphis: Nemmy looks up to his dad, and often worries about disappointing him since he's not sure if he wants to take over as emperor. Ever since his father's disappearance, Nemmy has been quite depressed.

Miki: Nemmy and Miki used to be good friends, but these days they are a bit distant towards one another.

Alpha: Nemmy isn't close to Alpha or the other resistance members. While he's glad that there is opposition to Glades, he doesn't understand their confidence.

If I think of anything else I'll add it later.