


3 years, 4 months ago


Name: Sakai Akari

Series: Animals

Age: 15 (8 in the first story arc and 15 in the last)

Gender: Female (she/her/herself)

Species: Chaos Puff

Favorite Food: Peach Pie

Element: Chaos/Fire

Powers: Fire powers, various chaos powers, time magic, (more to add later)

Catch Phrase: "There's no time."

Likes: Being on time, straightforward conversation, butterflies, and her friends.

Dislikes: Being late, talking too much, Shadow-Cat, and people finding out about her time magic.

Personality: Sakai is very stoic and emotionless, rarely showing even a trace of emotion. She's also very serious and focused to the point of being devoid of laughter. She rarely talks unless spoken to and when she does speak she almost always refers to the person she's talking to by their first and last name. Despite being a chaos/fire element, Sakai rarely uses either of her elemental powers and tends to favor time magic and firearms (the other characters don't even know she's half fire element). However, Sakai is not incapable of emotion and is occasionally seen both smiling and crying throughout the story. She's also quite lonely despite her aloofness and just wants to her friends to be safe.

In her original timeline, Sakai was more emotional and more visibly timid.  She grew more confident as the final battle approached, but lost her sense of emotions after they lost the battle.

Home: Animal Planet: Miniman Town

History: Sakai first appears to Sketches in a dream, physically appearing before him the next day much to his utter shock. Even more confusingly, she not only seems to know who he is but also asks him tons of questions about SAC and the Ameritis Crystals. She then makes off and on appearances without hinting much about her own alignment. It's not until she directly saves Sketches and friends that they realize she is in fact their ally.

In reality, Sakai is from another timeline  where Shadow-Cat succeeds in his plans to drive the universe into  darkness. Unable to save her own timeline, she was sent to an identical one by the Time Guardian except Sakai herself never existed in that  universe. Studying under the Time Guardian, Sakai learned a bit of time magic and became determined to save the new timeline from the apocalypse  she previously failed to prevent. However, her presence in a timeline  she's not supposed to exist in began to cause strange things to happen...

Current-Bio: Due to her aloof nature, Sakai only appears to the others when she has something to report or a question to demand answers to. Despite this, she has confided much of her true nature to Sketches in private, revealing her nature as the Time  Guardian's apprentice to him and her nature of being from another timeline. She later reveals this to the others as well, gaining their  trust. She continues to be aloof, but sometimes joins the group when  invited.

Meta-History: Sakai is very much based on Homura Akemi from Puella Magi Madoka Magicia.  I was at the height of my Madoka phase when creating her. However,  Sakai actually existed before this in a different form. In an older  version of the story, Sketches had been frozen in time for 100 years and  had a friend in the past who happens to be the character Sakai is derived from. So in a way, Sakai's character has always involved some kind of time travel. However, I promise she won't become like how Homura does in Rebellion Story.

Her name has some weird facts too. So I actually pronounce her name as "Suh-Kai-uh" instead of "Suh-Kai"  even though there's no way her name could be pronounced that way. It's also a running joke with the characters that they don't know if  "Sakai" or "Akari" is her first name (Jade calls her Akari) and Sakai never answers the question when asked.

Relationships with Other Characters:

Sketches: Sketches is the person Sakai trusts the most and seems to be the most concerned about. It's implied he was her best friend in her home timeline, but she never specifies.

Lightning: Sakai is rather distant to Lightning at first, but it's clear she  trusts him. She has a habit of appearing out of no where and scaring him.

Sparky: Sakai usually has little to say to Sparky, but is othen flustered when Sparky invites her to join the group in an activity or adventure. Despite not being good at expressing herself, Sakai appreiciates the invites deep down.

Jade: Sakai is seen talking to Jade often. For some reason, she trusts Jade with information even when she's with SAC.

Shadow-Cat: Sakai hates Shadow-Cat passionately and will attack him on site.

If I think of anything else I'll add it later.