🏠 Prima 🏠



2 years, 2 months ago


:bulletblue: General Information :bulletblue:

Name: Prima

Meaning: Latin for “first”

Nicknames: Prim

Rank: Gladiator 

Faction: Ice Empire 

Age: 2 years and 9 months

Birthdate: May 25th, 43BC

Species: 50% Lion, 50% Jaguar 

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Unknown

Previous ranks: Cub, apprentice 

Mentor history: Lincoln 

Physical description: A tan coat with darker Jaguar markings and lighter filling. Amber eyes. 

Armor: Rune from Zadar, family marker. Blue hair tie. 

:bulletblue: Traits: :bulletblue:

Dominant: Amber eyes, tan coat, jaguar spots

Recessive: Orange coat, black coat, lion’s mane, lion tail, yellow eyes, green eyes

Carrier: Purple eyes, cobweb mutation 

Mutations: NA

Build: Athletic 

Voice: NA

Scent: Pine trees

:bulletblue: Personality: :bulletblue:

Merciful: "I shall show you mercy.”

Despite her off putting personality, Prima is one of the most merciful of felines. She sees when those are down in their luck, or when they can no longer stand and fight. She sees that, and backs down. The young warrior refuses to kick one when they are down.

Leaderly: "Follow my lead."

Prima was not nicknamed Young Commander for no reason. She sees a situation and takes charge. She is not only level headed, but also brave. She is always taking charge when it comes to the younger felines, making sure to keep everyone out of danger.

Logical: "There is no other way. It is the only option.”

Prima does not believe in ruling with her heart. She listens to her head, and her head only. Okay, that’s not true. She does allow her heart to make decisions, but for the most part it is her head that makes her decisions. She is logical, and always thinks before jumping.

Proud: “I have many accomplishments, yes.”

This gal has shown pride from a young age. Proud of her parents, her siblings, her family legacy. The whole family seemed to be headed in the right direction. She liked boasting about them, but gets angry when they ask about her. She hasn’t made it the places her family have, it makes her jealous. 

Independent: “I’ll be fine on my own.”

She doesn’t need anyone, she’s fine on her own. She knows how to take care of herself. Thanks to her parents, she was very resourceful. Most assumed she was a loner because of this, but she doesn’t mind the occasional conversation. As long as you’re not annoying, that is. 

Reliable: “I’m here, let me help.”

If you call for help, she will enter rescue mode. She’ll assess the urgency, and go from there. She does her best to be there. Even if just someone to vent to, although her suggestions seem aggressive. She’s always been quick to be there for her loved ones.

Family Oriented: “This is my family.”

Family is all she’s ever known, being her greatest comfort. Not having any friends, she leaned hard on her siblings. She wasn’t close with all of them, but she was there if they needed. She dreams of being a good mother, like her mother. But that’s wishful thinking, having no romantic interests for so long. 

:bulletblue: History: :bulletblue:

It all started out in Ice Empire with a lion named Zadar, and a jaguar named Shabeel. One thing led to another, and Zadar proposed to the beautiful jaguar. Shabeel gave birth to a beautiful litter of cubs, Prima being one of them. Her parents could tell that she was a warrior, and gave her the name Prima which means Warrior.

Prima quickly completed her cub and apprentice training, ready to be a gladiator and help her empire. After tragic events involving Forseti, Shabeel and Griffon, Prima is content to finally have her family mostly back together.

:bulletblue: Relations: :bulletblue:


Shabeel | Jaguar | Ice Empire Silver Gladiator | ViriZona | Alive


Zaadar | Lion | Ice Empire Elite Guard | Breezy-likes-to-RP  | Alive



Vali | Sister | Ji-Jaguar | Ice Empire Apprentice | Dragotan | Alive

Mumu | Sister | Ji-Jaguar | Ice Empire Gladiator | ViriZona | Alive

Aldrnari | Sister | Ji-Jaguar | Ice Empire Apprentice | Nythero | Alive

Forseti | brother | Ji-Jaguar | Ice Empire Gladiator? | Breezy-likes-to-RP | Alive

Litter Two

Fritjof | brother | Ji-Jaguar | Ice Empire Cub | Forest7Echo | Alive

Heitiare | Brother | Ji-Jaguar | Ice Empire Cub | Ca55tmere | Alive

 Abeni | Sister | Ji-Jaguar | Ice Empire Cub | Zephyreu-s | Alive

Hasina | Sister | Ji-Jaguar | Ice Empire Cub | kibafan1232 | Alive 


Crispus | Older Adopted Brother | Tiger | Former Ice Empire Gladiator | Whispering-Spirit | Unknown Location

Kari | Older adopted Sister | Tiger | Deceased | Breezy-likes-to-RP 

Tolmi | Older adopted Sister | Cheegar | Ice Empire Elite Guard | Opportunity-Rover | Alive

Iphiteus | Older Adopted Brother | Leopard | Ice Empire Apprentice | Polarfleets | Alive