⚔️ Devilwood ⚔️



3 years, 9 months ago


Name: Devilwood

Meaning: A Japanese flower

Nicknames: Devil(hates it), Woody(family only), Dev(all can say)

Rank: Hunter

Faction: Bounty Hunters

Age: 2 years, 7 months

Birthdate: November 1st, 46 BC

Species: Cougar

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Pansexual

Previous ranks: Cub, Apprentice

Mentor history: Billy (NPC)

Physical description: A grayish-tan coat with a pale underbelly and dark markings on the ears, muzzle, back, and tail.

Armor: Iron and leather with devilwood flowers carved into it, painted white. Transparent white cloth on the legs, tail, and belly. And a canary topaz attached to the front leather of the chest armor.

:bulletblue: Traits: :bulletblue:

Dominant: Gray fur, yellow eyes

Recessive: Orange eyes, tan fur

Carrier: none

Mutations: none

Build: Bulky

Voice: tba

Scent: Pine leaves

:bulletblue: Personality: :bulletblue:

Walled off: “No, leave me alone.”

From a young age, Dev has never been one to trust others easily. Keeping her guard up, she doesn’t like when others ask questions. She can become aggressive and spiteful when others push her for answers about her past. But of course she trusts Kiku and Cherry Blossom. It’s not easy to gain her trust.

Protective: “Don’t touch her!”

Having been through a lot in her youth, she doesn’t like others touching her siblings. They’re all she has left and will put a stop to any aggressive behavior from anyone. Even going as far as to get between a fight for them. She’s willing to lose an ear, an eye, and more to keep them safe. Protecting them is her life’s work, and would protect anyone else she cared about.

Loyal: “I’ll always be by your side.”

Dev didn’t have many people to trust in her life, but those who are find she’s very loyal. Even though she isn’t close with many hunters, they have her loyalty for taking in her siblings and herself. Her loyalty isn’t easily earned, but can be lost. Hurting someone she cares about will destroy her trust and any loyalty she may have had in that person. But gaining it back after losing it is much harder than before.

Skittish: “Gah! Don’t sneak up on me like that!”

Don’t sneak up on this one, you could quite possibly get claws raked across your face. Not trusting her surroundings, Dev is usually on edge at all times. She’s even accidentally hit Cherry and Kiku a few times when they startled her. Loud noises can also cause her to freak out if she isn’t expecting it. Thunder is a common one to startle her at first, but once she knows it’s coming she doesn’t freak as much. Her body may jolt even when she knows it’s coming.

Caring: “I’m here, dry those tears.”

Although she doesn’t have many people to comfort, Dev is always willing to be a shoulder to cry on. This is the easiest way to gain her trust, through sympathy. Even if she doesn’t know someone, she wants to make sure they’re alright. Even having a soft spot for cubs, she can be very clingy to them so she can take care of them. She treats her sisters this way too, always being like a mother figure to them.

:bulletblue: History: :bulletblue:

Originally from the city, Dev and her sisters were sold as cubs to become soldiers. Having no real bond with anyone but themselves, they stayed close to one another. They spent their cub days in cages, their buyer leaving them there to grow enough to train.

As an apprentice she trained hard, never really permitted a moment to rest unless it was time to rest or eat. She’d never let anyone hurt her siblings, and they were the same way.

One day they were being transferred and the carriage was tipped. The cage burst open and Dev slipped out, the other two following closely.

Having nowhere to go, she and her siblings pledged their loyalty to the bounty hunters, feeling safer with them than she ever did. Now she keeps to herself and her sisters.

:bulletblue: Relations: :bulletblue:

Kiku | Sister | :bulletorange: :bulletpurple: :bulletpink: | “Be careful..”

RPed by KylaCloughley

Cherry Blossom | Sister | :bulletorange: :bulletpurple: :bulletpink: | “Stay safe..”

RPed by @crazyartz35

:bulletblue: Relationships: :bulletblue:

:bulletwhite: = Neutral

:bulletblue: = Friend

:bulletgreen: = Close friend

:bulletyellow: = Crush

:bulletpink: = Love

:bulletred: = Dislike/hate

:bulletorange: = Family

:bulletblack: = Jealous

:bulletpurple: = Respect