🧊 Osprey 🧊



3 years, 9 months ago


EBC | Osprey the Survivor

:bulletblue: General Information :bulletblue:

Name: Osprey

Nicknames: Ozzy, Little Devil(coliseum name)

Rank: Gladiator 

Wanted Status: Currently Captured

Age: 2 years, 11 months

Birthday: June 30, 42 BC

Species: 25% Bobcat, 25% Serval, 50% Bay cat

Gender: Male, DMAB

Sexuality: Heterosexual, Biromantic

Physical description: A muscular, serval like build with a tan coat. A darker overcoat covers his back, tail, and face. Stripe-like spots cover his coat, and little tuft sit upon his ears. 

That being said he has lots of scars, big and small. Littler ones are on his back legs and left cheek. While the bigger ones run from the right side of his muzzle to his ribs. And two sets of bigger scars on each shoulder. His top right fang has been replaced by a golden tooth by the humans. 

He is always wearing his gladiator sapphire necklace with pride. 

Armor: Green chest plate with a ruby, back and belly plates, ankle braces. 

:bulletblue: Traits: :bulletblue:

Dominant: Amber eyes, tan fur, stripe-like spots, ear tufts, long tail, golden eyes, orange eyes

Recessive: Brown/red fur, bobcat tail, green eyes

Carrier: Baycat markings

Mutations: None

:bulletblue: Personality: :bulletblue:

Stoic: “Right.”

In his bitterest times, he learned no one cared much about what happened. So he didn’t talk about it, he kept to himself and didn’t share his feelings. Or even expressions most of the time. Makes it hard to see what he’s thinking, but rest assured he does have an opinion. You just may not like what he says if you ask. 

Protective: “Get your filthy paws off her!”

Osprey is often seen as aggressive to others, mostly because he can’t take a joke. Gods forbid you aim that joke at someone he cares about, he’s quick to step in with his claws out. Which doesn’t make it any easier for him to make friends. 

Vengeful: “Why should I forgive you?”

Trust is hard for Ozzy, and if you get it don’t cross him. He’s not quick to forgive or forget. He will and has held a grudge over actions he find’s untrustworthy. Though Hasina is quick to give him a new perspective and change his mind here and there. 

Determined: “I won’t give up!”

Osprey doesn’t give up until he can’t get up! He does his best to make Ice proud, dutifully doing his daily tasks and then some. He often helps the elderly when he has time too, mostly for good boy points. But in a fight, he won’t quit until the cows come home. Or he physically can’t move anymore. 

Walled Off: “There’s nothing to talk about.”

Feelings? Ha! What are those? Osprey doesn’t talk about his feelings with just anyone. He hardly even talks to his brother and sister anymore, after all they’re all grown and doing their own things. He really only opens up to Hasina anymore. 

:bulletblue: History: :bulletblue:

With his parents always keeping a close eye on his siblings and himself, he spends his time close to his father. And if not his father, he’s with his mother. Though he prefers his fathers company. He spent a lot of time with his siblings, they all liked to wrestle. Except Witch Hazel, he was very patient with her. 

As an apprentice, he was thrown between mentors. His newest being an Elite Guard, Nadia, who he respects. She does her best to train him, and he does good. Though it’s clear his family leaving has effected him. He’s always angry, or even doesn’t put in effort. He spends most of his time training badly to avoid thinking about how all he has left. Even after failing his first gladiator assessment, he’d been down in the dumps. But after becoming close with Hasina, his attitude changed. Still a stoic cat, he seemed to have a reason to succee now. Shortly after, he earned his gladiator sapphire and proudly presented it to Witch Hazel and Hasina. 

Once becoming a gladiator, he took his job very seriously, almost to seriously. Hasina would pull him out of work binges and have him join her for a pretty sunset. They would just sit and talk for hours, warming one another long after the sun had turned its heat to another part of the world. After a while, Osprey noticed how happy she made him, soon noticing a crush had developed. He wasn’t great at showing affection, but she got the hint through his gifts of prey and shiny things he’d bring her. They began spending a lot of time together, as if dating. Though neither would say anything officially. As Osprey was working up the courage to ask her to be official, something terrible happened. While on a lone patrol, a larger cat attacked him and took his limp body back to the city as a capture. Bleeding and exhausted, he didn’t have much of a choice. He saw her keep the tooth she’d knocked out of his jaw. Once changed, he spent a lot of time recovering. He had lots of nasty scars afterwards, wondering if his beloved Hasina would even recognize him. It broke his heart, making him behave aggressively towards other cats and the humans. They used that rage to toss him in the coliseum a few times to entertain themselves. A lot of the times he was victorious, which angered the city fighters he beat. They’d visit him later with larger cats to even the score. He sat there for what felt like a lifetime, awaiting his chance to escape this place. 

:bulletblue: Relations: :bulletblue:

Frankie | Mother | :bulletpink: :bulletorange: | “Why did you leave us?”

Rped by @deadwing1

Phillip | Father | :bulletpink: :bulletorange: | “I wanted to make you proud…”

Rped by ca55tamere

Shikra | Brother | :bulletpurple: :bulletpink: :bulletorange: | “I miss you.”

Rped by Niawolf15

Nightingale | Brother | :bulletpink: :bulletorange: | “You betrayed me.”

Rped by VertigoCrime

Witch Hazel | Sister | :bulletpurple: :bulletpink: :bulletorange: | “I’m here for you.”

Rped by @Zephyreu-s

Alexander | Childhood friend | :bulletblue: :bulletpurple: | “You’re so talented, I’m proud of you.”

RPed by @tiger09716

Fritjof | Childhood friend | :bulletblue: :bulletpurple: | “I hope you’re well, we haven’t spoken lately.”

RPed by Forest7Echo

Rose | Friend | :bulletblue: :bulletpurple: | “Yes, you can put flowers in my fur…”

RPed by @MJaeK

Atticus | Childhood friend | :bulletblue: :bulletpurple: | “How you’ve grown, you’re gonna go far.”

RPed by @Echo-Love111

Hasina | Dear friend and crush | :bulletpink: :bulletpurple: :bulletgreen: | “Please, never leave my side.”

RPed by @Kibafan1232

:bulletblue: Relationships: :bulletblue:

:bulletwhite: = Neutral

:bulletblue: = Friend

:bulletgreen: = Close friend

:bulletyellow: = Crush

:bulletpink: = Love

:bulletred: = Dislike/hate

:bulletorange: = Family

:bulletblack: = Jealous

:bulletpurple: = Respect