🌑 Jovanna 🌑



3 years, 9 months ago


:bulletblue: General Information :bulletblue:

Name: Jovanna 

Meaning: Happiness and joy

Nicknames: Joey, Mama, The Bright Sun(for her optimistic personality)

Rank: Vanguard

Faction: Shadow Empire

Age: 6 years old

Birthdate: May 12, 44BC

Species: 50% Bobcat, 50% Caracal

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual

Previous ranks: Rogue, apprentice

Mentor history: Frank (NPC)

Physical description: A pale red cat with a light underbelly and brownish-black spots. And pale green eyes. Burns on her nose, back, and left eye. 

Armor: Deep blue plates, darker straps, light tiny gemstones. Her back and forelegs are covered by this material. Back leg fabric, representing connection to her blue eyed mate. 


A silver marriage bracelet with a light blue gem that she wears on her front right wrist. She’s always wearing it unless wearing her armor. 

:bulletblue: Traits: :bulletblue:

Dominant: Red fur, green eyes, spots 

Recessive: Tan fur, amber eyes

Carrier: Melanism

Mutations: None

Build: Broad and fluffy

Voice: Motherly

Scent: Milk and wet grass

:bulletblue: Personality: :bulletblue:

Friendly | Trusting | Careful | Stubborn | Curious | Maternal

Friendly: “I like you.”

Joey is still as friendly as a cub, always wanting to see new faces. But only if Mattias is around, if not she can be shy. She can be a bit much when meeting new people, but Matt usually tells her off. She’s a very bright cat, always excited to meet new potential friends. She can be unwanting of new friends, but something very upsetting would have to happen. 

Trusting: “Hello there!”

Joey would walk right up to a bounty hunter without even realizing the potential danger. Thankfully, Matt is usually with her and tells her to steer clear. But when his guidance isn’t present, she would gladly go say hello. But she never travels alone so she is less likely to come face to face with a hunter, or anyone who would wish her harm. Which is just the way she likes it, as Matt tells her she’s to trusting all the time. 

Careful: “Hold on, go slowly!”

Although not careful around strangers, dangers places are something she likes to avoid. Even something as easy as climbing and descending a tall tree, she will take her time to be safe. She even advises others to stay safe. She is often considered to be a goody two shoes, seeing as she follows the rules closely. The rules she knows of so far, at least. 

Stubborn: “Am not!”

Don’t call her cute, she’ll fight you. Verbally, that is. Sometimes she’s stubborn just to spite others, but most of the time she’s trying to convince others she’s not cute. She’s small, but mouthy. Only one cat can really tame her. 

Curious: “What is that?”

Joey will usually have Matt go check something out, and if it’s safe she’ll join him. Sometimes she’ll walk to the new thing with him, but will always be a few steps behind. If it’s something she recognizes, like a rabbit, she’ll chase it to see where it runs. She often doesn’t get to find out, as she gives up chase to return to Matt. Sometimes she’ll only stare at what’s making her curious, not wanting to approach it. 

Maternal: “Be careful, darling!”

The young mother is always seen with her cubs nowadays. She wasn’t sure if she was ready to be a mother, but having her cubs made her realize their was more to life than patrols and late night conversations with Matt. She loves him, and always will. But her cubs come before anything else now. She’s become a helicopter parent, always keeping a close eye on them all. 

:bulletblue: History: :bulletblue:

Joey led a normal life as a rogue, traveling with her parents and siblings. Around the age of an apprentice, there was a flood that swept them away. Scared and alone, she wandered until she found a gray lynx named Mattias. She began following him around for a while. 

As adults, they found Shadow Empire and wanted to join. Although Joey just wanted to join because Matt wanted too. She’d be loyal to the empire as long as Matt was. With no apprentice yet, she spends her days following Matt around. Very rarely is she seen without him. 

After Ragnarok, she was bed ridden for a short time. This time isolated didn’t seem so bad when Mattias would come visit her. She felt ugly, having received burns on her face and back. Her left eye now squints slightly, and isn’t great at smelling anymore. He was constantly complimenting her, trying to boost her confidence back up. And it worked, making her fall for him even more. After a couple months of the two spending lots of time together, they announced they were expecting cubs. They became mates after Matt found Joey in the flames. 

Finally, the day came for the cubs to arrive. Six little ones; Wynstann, Gil, Leonardo, Kalea, Adelaide, and Eda. A large litter, it took a lot of energy out of the first time mother. She instinctively became very protective over the cubs, only permitting trusted cats near them for the first couple weeks. The time flew by, her babies aging into apprentices before she realized the time had gone by. Now all a year old, she found out she was having another litter. She had barely got back into her duties as a Vanguard before she soon had to stay in the nursery den. And before she knew it, dove more precious cubs arrived; Pax, Shiloh, Cassandrus, Winnifred, and Amani. Her older cubs hovered the whole time she gave birth, a few hissing at one another to be careful as they assisted in the birth of their younger siblings. She couldn’t help but smile at her babies, she loved her ever growing family. 

:bulletblue: Relations: :bulletblue:

Mattias | Mate | :bulletorange: :bulletpurple: :bulletgreen: :bulletpink: | “Mattias, my love, thank you for everything.”

RPed by KylaCloughley

Sunshine Litter -

Wynstann | Son | :bulletorange: :bulletpink: | “Come say hello, darling. They won’t bite.”

RPed by @PeaceMutt

Gil | Son | :bulletorange: :bulletpink: | “Shh, don’t cry. We can cuddle more in just a moment.”

RPed by ScreamingYearly

Kalea | Daughter | :bulletorange: :bulletpink: | “Listen to me, young lady.”

RPed by @Whispering-Spirit

Leonardo | Son | :bulletorange: :bulletpink: | “You spunky thing.”

RPed by @tiger09716

Adelaide | Son | :bulletorange: :bulletpink: | “You can tell me anything, lovely.”

RPed by @littleharmonies

Eda | Daughter | :bulletorange: :bulletpink: | “My little silver lining.”

RPed by @kibafan1232

Rainbow Litter-

Amani | Daughter | :bulletorange: :bulletpink: | “Hello, my little Snowdrop.”

RPed by KylaCloughley

Pax | Daughter | :bulletorange: :bulletpink: | “Sweetheart, you’re under my paws~”

RPed by @Opportunity-Rover

Shiloh | Son | :bulletorange: :bulletpink: | “Wake up, my dear, you’ll want to see this.”

RPed by Mostlymoose

Cassandrus | Son | :bulletorange: :bulletpink: | “Cass, stop biting your sister’s tail please.”


Winnifred | Daughter | :bulletorange: :bulletpink: | “Winni, hold still love.”

RPed by TheNorthStar2014

Adoptive Cubs-

Torrent | Adoptive Son | :bulletorange: :bulletpink: | “Tor, be gentle. They’re only cubs.”

RPed by polarfleets


:bulletblue: Relationships: :bulletblue:

:bulletwhite: = Neutral

:bulletblue: = Friend

:bulletgreen: = Close friend

:bulletyellow: = Crush

:bulletpink: = Love

:bulletred: = Dislike/hate

:bulletorange: = Family

:bulletblack: = Jealous

:bulletpurple: = Respect