🧊 Mello 🧊



3 years, 9 months ago


Name: Mello

Nicknames: Mell

Rank: Gladiator

Age: 3 years

Birthday: May 12, 45 BC

Species: Tiger

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Questioning

Physical description: White fur, dark ginger overcoat, dark drown stripes, deep orange eyes

Armor: None, but has plans to get some.

:bulletblue: Traits: :bulletblue:

Dominant: White fur, orange overcoat, orange eyes

Recessive: Light orange overcoat

Carrier: Green eyes, white stripes

Mutations: Piebald

:bulletblue: Personality: :bulletblue:

Attentive: “Yes, I understand you’re upset. It’ll be okay.”

He may look monotone, but the young male is always willing to lend an ear. He isn’t the type to come to you, but if you come to him and say you need to talk he will give you his undivided attention. He’s good to keep a secret, too. He’d promise to keep it, and he will. But if that person’s loved ones truly need to know the secret, he will spill.

Honest: “Yes, Megan, you do look fat in that dress.”

He is brutally honest at times, but he means no harm. He was taught to always tell the truth. Of course, he knows how to lie and get away with it. He’s good at keeping secrets, though most others don’t believe him. He shrugs them off, not caring how they feel about him. The only time he isn’t honest is when he talks about his feelings.

Blank: “I don’t need to smile to show I’m happy.”

Mello has a mellow face, not showing too much emotions. He doesn’t fight to hide his feelings, though. A good joke will get him laughing, a cruel insult towards him or his family will earn you a snarl, and so on. His face is commonly seen without a smile, but his eyes are open and alert. He doesn’t mind his face this way, but he’ll smile to let others know he’s not upset.

Loving: “Don’t say that, there are others who care about you...”

He won’t say ‘I love you’, but he will assure others he cares about them. His friends and family mean everything to him. He’d gladly give his life for someone he just met, thinking everyone deserves to live. He’d go to war with anyone who would threaten his loved ones, even alone and out numbered.

Curious: “It’ll be fine, I just wanna check it out.”

Always cautious, he loves to check out new things. He won’t listen to most warning and still check it out, almost as a way to show his bravery. He really would rather someone go with him while he checks things out, especially if he’s faster than them. If he can tell the situation is very dangerous he will avoid checking it out for safety reasons. If going in a group to check things out, he’s at the back of the group.

:bulletblue: History: :bulletblue:

As a cub, he never strayed far from his father. He loved his mother, but he had a deep connection to his father. Idolizing the cold tiger, the only times he has a smile on his face was around himself and his mother. He wanted to be just like him. His mother’s kindness rubbed off on him, making him just as caring as her.

Eager to train, he spent less time at home. Once when training he was pulled aside to be told his father was badly injured and wouldn’t live much longer. A captured cat he was guarding broke out, he died a couple hours later. He became less talkative, but was still very friendly and ready to train. He didn’t mind the pity his peers gave him.

As an adult, he still spent his time alone. With no apprentice yet, he has plenty of free time. He enjoys observing others from afar, especially those with armor. He wanted his own set someday, and want a way to engrave his parents into it. A significance to his armor would mean the world to him.

:bulletblue: Relations: :bulletblue:

NPC | Mother | :bulletpurple: :bulletorange: :bulletpink: | “Yes, mom. I’ll be fine. I love you too.”

NPC | Father (deceased) | :bulletpurple: :bulletorange: :bulletpink: | “I miss you...”

:bulletblue: Relationships: :bulletblue:

:bulletwhite: = Neutral

:bulletblue: = Friend

:bulletgreen: = Close friend

:bulletyellow: = Crush

:bulletpink: = Love

:bulletred: = Dislike/hate

:bulletorange: = Family

:bulletblack: = Jealous

:bulletpurple: = Respect