⚡️ Zuri ⚡️




Adopted out in the group

EBC | Zuri the Beautiful 

:bulletblue: General Information :bulletblue:

Name: Zuri

Meaning: Swahili in origin, meaning beautiful. 

Nicknames: Beautiful 

Rank: Gladiator 

Faction: Lightning

Age: 3 years and 1 month old

Birthdate: June 3rd, 42 Bc

Species: 50% Barbarian Lion, 25% South China Tiger, 25% Amur Leopard

Gender: Male (He/they, any pronouns)

Sexuality: Yes (Pansexual)

Previous ranks: NA

Mentor history: NA

Physical description: A dark brown base with faded tiger stripes, a lot of cream on his underbelly and backside, leopard spots, blue eyes, and long hair for a mane and on his tail. 

Design by @CanaryBlu

Armor: NA

:bulletblue: Traits: :bulletblue:

Dominant: Brown fur, stripes, cream underbelly, blue eyes, lion mane, black markings

Recessive: Tan fur, leopard spots, brown eyes, small spots

Carrier: Abundism

Mutations: Dilution(his stripes)

Build: Lanky and tall

Voice: Deep yet soft

Scent: Wet grass

:bulletblue: Personality: :bulletblue:

Honest: “I have no reason to lie.”

Zuri was really raised with the thought process of “honesty is the best policy”. He’s gentle about it, however, and won’t say certain flowers don’t match your coat. If he ever wandered off or stole prey from another cat, he would admit it. His mother usually made him take the prey back, but it made him good at tracking others to return the food. He even answers questions about life as a rogue to his fellow Lightning Empire cats. 

Compassionate: “I understand the pain you’re going through.”

Zuri is the type of cat to notice others’ pain. He will be a shoulder to cry on, even if his shoulder is way higher than your head. Even to smaller cats, the large male will lower himself for eye contact. He tries to understand every cat he interacts with. Even a younger cat has his respect, as long as they respect him. 

Playful: “Race ya!”

Despite being grown, he’s not a stone cold cat. He’s always been on the sweet and playful side. Don’t get it twisted, he knows when to be serious and how to fight. But, he’s usually just seen smiling or babysitting cubs while the mothers stretch their legs. He loved watching the cubs, even the teeny tiny ones. It makes his day when they call him pretty or beautiful. 

Observant: “You think I didn’t notice?”

When watching cubs, he knows to watch for those who try to escape. But in general, he notices the little things. He will ask if someone’s upset, but not the type to pry. He also notices shiny things, and pretty flowers and leaves. He often picks wild flowers and weaves them into his mane. 

Patient: “Take your time.”

Never really in a rush, he doesn’t speed walk anywhere. He also doesn’t mind waiting for someone to finish a story before finally chiming in. Being interrupted was irritating, but he never raised his voice or got rude over it. He doesn’t mind waiting his turn in a line, or even apprentices who never stop talking. He just waits, listening to what they have to say. 

:bulletblue: History: :bulletblue:

Zuri spent the first year of his life with his mother and brother in the wild, blissfully unaware of the empires or the city. He was raised among rogues, but never called himself one growing up. And when he turned two, he spent a long time roaming. He learned a lot from the rogues, especially about the empires. Then, just after turning three, he made the decision to approach the leader of Lightning Empire to join. To his surprise, he was accepted after a short assessment, oath, and test to prove his loyalty. He made it, he didn’t have to scavenge for scraps like a vulture anymore. 

:bulletblue: Relations: :bulletblue:

Zariyah | :bulletblue: :bulletpurple: | “It’s good to see you, Zari.” 

RPed by @CanaryBlu

:bulletblue: Relationships: :bulletblue:

:bulletwhite: = Neutral

:bulletblue: = Friend

:bulletgreen: = Close friend

:bulletyellow: = Crush

:bulletpink: = Love

:bulletred: = Dislike/hate

:bulletorange: = Family

:bulletblack: = Jealous

:bulletpurple: = Respect