
1 year, 10 months ago


Anton (0320)

đź“śCharacter bio

Anton's a charming and (seemingly) amicable fellow who is popular among Sellbot HQ's elite. He has a reputation for being a mentor to lower-tiered Cogs and having a stellar sales record that nobody within his district has even come close to surpassing. He's the type of guy who regularly greets people at the start of a workday. But in actuality he is cold and manipulative, being able to make the toughest of Cogs or Toons do what he wants by intimidating them or with sweet words.

 He's the type to pretend to cry and feel sympathy for someone's sob story. Anton is excellent at acting to a point where you'd have no clue that he's feigning any sliver of sympathy or kindness. All this to get himself ahead and weed out competition. He has a hard head when it comes to his duties as a Cog, and he'd do just about anything to make his plans move forward. 

There's no room in his heart (or whatever the Cog equivalent is to a heart) for friends or love, the only things he loves are himself and ultimate power. Ultimately, he sees pretty much everyone as a tool and sometimes a plaything, he'd sell your soul for a new suit or to get a promotion. He has a secret life outside of his cushy job and it's the secret to his many successes...


Ant, Mover & Creeper
Male (sexless)
Lawful/Neutral Evil
Cog Branch:
Mover & Shaker
Sellbot HQ
Branch Manager


"There's nothing more important to a Cog than the approval of their superiors, so it's easy to get a Cold Caller or a Telemarketer to do what you want..."


  • Winning
  • Getting what he wants
  • Being in charge
  • Shaking things up
  • Neatly pressed suits

đź’” Dislikes

  • Casual wear
  • Goody two shoe types
  • Insubordination
  • Pastel colors
  • Losing to Toons and Lower tiered Cogs 


  • His mustache moves depending on his mood. 
  • He can be very hard to read, which he uses to his advantage.
  • He has a rather dark sense of humor
  • He's quite picky when it comes to oil
  • He has a reputation for being a heartbreaker.
  • He has cultivated positive relationships with elites and important Cogs from all over the Cog nation. Of course, he uses this to his advantage.
  • He has a burning hatred for the Boss Cogs. 


•Excellent negotiator
•Pleasant demeanor
•Great listener
•Convincing actor
•Can-do attitude


•Superiority complex


Name: Ignatz

Relationship: Subordinates

Out of the Glad hander twins, Anton tolerates Ignatz, to a degree. On the one hand, he appreciates how Ignatz is agreeable and how he readily does whatever Anton wants him to do. Being the sort of Cog he is, Ant fully takes advantage of this part of Ignatz. On the other hand, he does not care for Ignatz's genuinely friendly demeanor and willingness to work and compromise with Toons.

Name: Isolde

Relationship: Subordinates/ex-partners

At some point, Isolde and Anton were an item. On the outside, they appeared to be a seemingly happy couple, as happy as two Sellbots can be together. but in actuality, it was a rocky relationship rooted in deception. He was dating her not because he liked her, but because he needed to get closer to Ignatz. What for you may ask? He will never say. Once he got what he wanted, he broke up with her. Isolde was devastated and humiliated by the whole ordeal. During their time together, she slowly realized what sort of person Anton was. In truth, Anton doesn't care for her at all and sees her as an irksome pest. He had no qualms about hurting her the way he did.


Name: Glen

Relationship: Subordinates

When Glen was just a Cold Caller, he and Anton worked together. Anton showed him the ropes and showed everything there was to know about being a good Sales bot. After spending considerable time with him, Glen developed feelings for him, all while Anton did not think of him at all, seeing him only as an obstacle and couldn't wait until he no longer had to work with him. Eventually, Glen learned about Anton's true nature and despises him. Nowadays, they're on pretty bad terms, with Anton belittling his former work partner.

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