


2 years, 5 months ago


Shirley (3287)

📜Character bio

There are many Ambulance Chasers (and plenty of Lawbots in general) that are sticklers for the rules and Shirley is no exception to this. She'll chase down any jaywalker and try to pummel any meddlesome Toon or Cog. She's also a very crass, rude, and temperamental Cog, often berating her co-workers. She's also argumentative and mean-spirited, maybe more than any Lawbot would like for her to be. She's so unpleasant to work with that not even the toughest of Big Wigs won't want to deal with her. Since many higher-tier Lawbots find her unpleasant to work with, Shirly's stuck dealing with newly built Cogs and lower-tier Cogs.

Her prickly personality rears its ugly head as a mentor to low tier/newly built Cogs, having little to no patience and lashing out at them. This obviously garners resentment and fear from her trainees. Even outside of training Cogs, she has a nasty habit of insulting others under the guise of "telling it like it is", she's even reduced other Cogs to tears with her venomous words. 

Underneath all those wires, programming, and surliness, lies a deeply fearful, doubtful, and insecure Lawbot. In truth, Shirley has little to no faith in herself or anyone. Being old for an Ambulance Chaser has given her time to develop uncoglike feelings like sympathy and guilt. This has also given her a desire to find meaning beyond her intended purpose as a Cog, making her curious about Toons all while harboring a hardwired negative bias towards Toons. Deep down she cares about the small number of friends she has and is afraid of being alone.


Shirl, Surly Shirley
Female (sexless)
Lawful Neutral/Neutral Good
Cog Branch:
Ambulance Chaser
Lawbot HQ
Nurse, Legal Clerk, 

"Just keep out of trouble, okay??"


  • Being with her friends
  • Keeping things in check
  • Following the rules
  • Paperwork 
  • Ambulance rides


  • Rulebreakers
  • (Most) Toons
  • Anyone picking on her Friends
  • Chatterboxes
  • Whiny people


  • She's been around longer than many Cogs. As a result, she ended up having some doubts about Cog society.
  • She is a Lesbian.
  • Some of her not so Cogy interests include rock music.
  • She can be surprisingly super nerdy.
  • She's fiercely protective of her friends because she lost many friends before.
  • She is deathly afraid of the Chief Justice. Many Lawbots are.


•Strong convictions


•Is a control freak



Name: Vladimir

Relationship: Friends/Subordinate

Before meeting Vladimir, Shirley didn't know what friendship was nor did she really understand it. At first, she found Vlad and his Toony behavior frustrating, often lashing at him and making him cry. But after spending some with Vlad (outside of his Cog training) Shirley came to slowly appreciate him, finding his cheery personality to be refreshing. Since then, she often gets him out of trouble and helps him to maintain his average Lawbot persona. 

She often acts harshly towards him because she cares about him and wants him to not get decommissioned. Shirley's one of the few Cogs who know about Vlad's relationship with Bluebell but does not approve of it. It would be wrong to assume she feels this way out of sheer jealousy. She just wants to protect Vlad from getting taken advantage of.

Name: Clyde

Relationship: Friends/Subordinate

Clyde was just another tier-one Cog for Shirley to train at first. But this time, she can better handle not so Coggy behavior. Unlike Vladimir, Clyde is much better at handling his feelings, so Shirley didn't figure that Clyde was defective right away. Shirley found him to be too relaxed and didn't care for his carefree sense of humor. Eventually, she mellowed out and now enjoys his company.

To Shirley, perhaps other Cogs can learn to let loose like Clyde does unless they don't turn him into scrap metal first. Just like Vladimir, Shirley feels that Clyde needs to be kept in check, but not nearly as much as Vlad does. Sometimes Shirley feels like she has to babysit a pair of inexperienced children. 


Name: Jellybean

Relationship: Friends/crush??

Largely due to Vlad and Bluebell being together, Shirley found some connection with Jellybean, both being concerned about their friend's wellbeing. They've come to enjoy each other's company. Shirley can't help but notice how Jellybean seems a bit... attached to her and is wondering why. Could it be that there's a Toon girlfriend in Shirley's future? Perhaps...


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