Cornflower Joysprout



2 years, 1 month ago


Cornflower Joysprout

📜Character bio

Nobody's ever seen this elusive bunny artist in the flesh, all they know is that she's the best when it comes to illustrating storybooks or even those silly little cartoons you'd find in Toon News...For the amused. All that because Cornflower is a recluse, living on the outskirts of Toontown in a quaint, little house. Due to her poor health, meek personality, and general ineptitude with Gags (and tooniness), she feels safer in the countryside away from all the Toon vs. Cog chaos.

Corny is a shy, sensitive friendly Toon. She's off in her little world, deeply invested in some book about science or art. Her personality and humor might be a bit "Cogy" to some but in actuality, she is just a bit quirky. She has a strong desire to help others and is afraid of letting others down which can cause her to shut herself out. She often sees herself as a liability and a burden to others, another reason she lives on her own on the outskirts of Toontown.

Her lifelong fascination with meteorology has always been something that kept her from making friends but she learned to live with it. Her research skills and crafty hands help her to study the weather all on her own. There are rare times where Cogs come across her little home in hopes of taking it for Cogs Inc, only to be thwarted by the elaborate booby traps Cornflower installs around her home. 

Despite her elegant, feminine appearance and her clumsiness, she's quite sharp. She's smart enough to build elaborate traps and solve tricky puzzles and riddles. Cornflower was always given flack for her lack of skill with her gag tracks (with her most developed being Toon-up) but makes up for this with her scientific and artistic talents.


Laff: 46

Corn, Corny
Neutral good
Toon Rabbit
the outskirts of Toontown
Storybook illustrator 

"What's your favorite type of cloud?? Mine's Cumulus. Those are the white, puffy-looking ones that typically produce little or no precipitation."


  • Rainbows
  • Studying
  • Puzzles
  • Meteorology
  • Clambakes


  • Dangerous weather
  • Scientific journals without being peer-reviewed
  • undercooked seafood
  • Bullies
  • Cashbots


  • While her gag work is rather poor, she's already maxed out Toon-up.
  • Compared to her big sister, Cornflower is considered the pretty one.
  • Her artwork is often described as whimsical, cute, and inspired by nature.
  • She is aroace.
  • Her dislike of Cashbots in particular is rooted in childhood memories of her childhood home being threatened.
  • She's working on and off on a secret trap project, which she calls her "magnum opus"


•Highly intelligent
•Great trap maker
•Highly artistic


•Weak Gagwork
•Conflict avoidant
•Sometimes oblivious
•A bit sensitive
•Too apologetic


Name: Bluebell

Relationship: Sisters

 Bluebell and Cornflower have always cared for each other, especially after their parents got dipped by a mysterious Cog. Despite their different personalities, the rabbits get along very well and did work together to defend their home from being taken by the Cogs. Due to Cornflower's health, her older sister had to defend her against bully Toons and Cogs.  Deep down, Cornflower feels awful for being weak and having Bluebell fight neck and neck just to keep her safe. In a way, she blames herself for the way her older sister turned out. Little does she realizes Bluebell doesn't see her like that at all and loves her immensely.

Name: Jellybean

Relationship: Childhood friends

Jellybean had always cared for Cornflower as much as she cared for Bluebell. The two often enjoy each other's company and help the Cat out with weather-related spells. Jellybean feels relaxed around Cornflower because she's very unlikely to get into problems like Bluebell, despite her weak health. Cornflower finds Jellybean to be suffocating at times but doesn't tell her for fear of making her unhappy. As a result, others might think Cornflower allows Jellybean and others to step on her.




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