Bluebell Joysprout



2 years, 7 months ago


Bluebell Joysprout

📜Character bio

At first glance, she seems like a bookish, nerdy toon who is stuck in her little world, but once you get to know her, she’s sweet, compassionate, and fiercely determined. Never let anyone or anything get her down. She’s not afraid to speak her mind. This bravery has its disadvantages, however: She often takes bold risks just to get what she needs (like getting her stuff back from a cutthroat Robber Baron for instance). At her worst she's stubborn and reckless, often barely scraping out of tough situations she gets herself into. She's not much for Cog fighting but wouldn't hesitate to do so if she has to defend herself or someone else. Speaking of Cogs, Bluebell doesn't really fear Cogs, let alone like or dislike them.

 Throughout her youth, she's met good and bad Cogs. Her experiences with Cogs, as well as with other Toons, have hardened her. Nowadays she handles bullies and adversaries with stride. She's been through rough things like losing her parents and being sentenced to sadness by the Chief Justice as a teen, leading her to despair. All these experiences make the average Toon believe she's strong and fearless. But she doesn't believe her despair experience made her strong, instead, it makes her feel easily fatigued, withdrawn, and harder to be Toony. 

Bluebell's extremely passionate about art and stories, more specifically comics! She's very knowledgeable about comic book characters, lore about certain characters, history, and pretty much anything about the medium of comics. She can talk about comics (and anything else she cares about) all day! She'll talk to anyone who'll listen.


Laff: 66

BB, Blue, Solnyshko, Dorogaya, 
Neutral/Chaotic Good
Toon Rabbit
Toontown Central
Librarian, Freelance Comic artist 

"It's up to you, and only you to write your own destiny!"


  • Comics
  • Reading
  • Cream soda
  • drawing and writing stories
  • Fishing 


  • Show-offs
  • Bullies
  • Getting her favorite Blazer dirty
  • Dull colors
  • Plot holes



  • She makes comics for a toon publishing company called Bing-Bong Comics. She writes and draws under the pseudonym of Dahlia Gumshoe.
  • Bluebell had an early start in cog fighting, which made her figure out creative ways how to counter cog attacks.
  • The dark blue blazer she often wears originally belonged to her mother.
  • She's dropless and has organic throw gags.
  • She discovered her passion for comics during her Sadness sentence.
  • She lost her parents to being dipped by Cogs.


•Quick thinking


•One-track minded
•At times abrasive
•Difficulty opening-up



Name: Vladimir

Relationship: Lovers

When Vladimir first appeared to Bluebell, she was struck with inspiration for a brand new character for her comic. She dragged him all the way home so he can model for her. Bluebell quickly noticed his inconsistent behavior, noting his reaction to toony things and her. He often retracted his positive reactions. After Bluebell called him out on his crummy behavior, Vlad confessed about his past and sympathies with toons. She found herself enamored by his sweetness and how he spoke with such sincerity. It wasn't until Vlad accidentally kissed her she realized that she was in love with him.

 Bluebell became strongly attached to Vladimir and reciprocates his romantic gestures. She sometimes carries him just to see him get flustered, which she finds adorable. Bluebell finds everything about Vladimir to be adorable: the way he smiles, his laugh, and how extremely supportive he is of her and her endeavors. She wasn't used to all the positive attention (he's not used to it either) but it was a welcome change in her life. In a way, it makes her feel stronger than she normally is.

Name: Barclay

Relationship: Archenemies

When Bluebell first moved into Toontown, she had all her meager possessions taken by a brutal Robber Baron named Barclay. The following night, she sneaked into Cashbot HQ and managed to retrieve her possessions. But before she could quickly amscray out of there, Barclay caught her. Luckily, she managed to escape his clutches, but as result, she made an enemy for life. Now Barclay wants nothing more than to tear her limb from limb. Since then, Bluebell has developed a reputation among Toons as the Rabbit who stood up to most toughest Robber Baron and if oftentimes asked to help get their stolen goods back from Barclay.


Name: Jellybean

Relationship: Childhood friends

Bluebell and Jellybean had known each other since they were children and practically sees her as a sister. She even had Bluebell stay with her and her family after she lost her parents. Bluebell and Jellybean often help each other out with various things and support each other with their goals. 

 Jellybean's protective of Bluebell and simply doesn't want her to get hurt. This may make her seem like an overbearing mother rather than a friend. There are times when they both clash due to their differing opinions on various topics, especially if it's about Cogs. Since Jellybean is wary of Cogs, she didn't trust Vladimir right away. She eventually warmed up to him after getting to know him. 


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