Jellybean Witchazel



2 years, 6 months ago


Jellybean Witchazel

📜Character bio

A sisterly cat who is protective and kind. Jellybean has a reputation of being sort of a teacher to lower laff Toons, guiding them through gag training, and fighting Cogs. Jellybean's a rigid Cat and won't hesitate to correct you. She may be helpful and knowledgeable, but she sometimes acts like a know-it-all, making her a pain for others to work with. She's even more difficult when Toons gives her a hard time for being Toon-up less. All this makes it difficult for her to truly trust anyone and often she maintains a small circle of friends. 

Jellybean also has a reputation for being a jack of all trades. Other than Cog fighting, her ability to use magic utilizes makes her able to make potions. Which she has easily made into a career. She runs a Magic shop that specializes in potions. Her potions have various uses, even as a substitute for Toon-up if needed. She's also good with a needle and thread and sometimes makes her clothes.

Jellybean's a fiercely opinionated Cat and has little to no time with Cog business. As a pretty accomplished cog fighter, she inherently doesn’t trust cogs, having her family's shop taken by Cogs time and again. She has a hard time accepting the idea that Toons and Cogs can live in harmony one day. Much of her life (along with the lives of her friends and family) has been affected greatly by the presence of Cogs. She even lost her mother, a highly respected witch, to Cogs. She vows to find that Cog and bring them to justice. 


Laff: 120

JB, Jelly cat
Neutral Good/Lawful Good
Toon Cat
Drowsy Dreamland 
Sorceress, Cog fighter

"Gags and magic make a great combo! Provided you know how to properly use magic..."


  • Potion making
  • Needlepoint
  • Her Father's cooking
  • Dressing up
  • Her friends


  • Narrow-minded people
  • (Most) Cogs
  • People abusing magic
  • Dull colors
  • Poor etiquette 


  • Her actual surname is PÄ…czki. Witchazel was her late mother's surname.
  • She's a decent gardener.
  • She has a Doodle called Presto.
  • She's Toon-up less but her magic and her Doodle make for decent substitutes.
  • She can fly without a broomstick but that's only due to her magic.
  • She has a plethora of gowns and witch hats for any occasion.




•Has trust issues



Name: Bluebell

Relationship: Childhood friends

Jellybean has known Bluebell since they were little. They've always looked out for each other and practically see each other as family. After losing her parents, Bluebell moved in with Jellybean and her family. They often enjoy each other's company, spending their time with dressmaking projects and just sharing a laugh. Bluebell was the one who got Jellybean into sewing. One of the things Jellybean & Bluebell have in common is losing a loved one to Cogs. 

Jellybean feels that Bluebell is too trusting of Cogs and doesn't understand why she thrusts herself into danger so flippantly. When Jellybean found out about Bluebell's relationship with a Cog, she couldn't help but be protective of her. She eventually trusted Vladimir after seeing that he had no intention of harming her best friend.

Name: Shirley

Relationship: Acquaintances (crush?)

After reluctantly having to interact with the Ambulance Chaser on more than one occasion, Jellybean developed feelings for her. She finds the Lawbot to be cool and assertive, but she's at odds with her reputation as a cog fighter and with her negative bias towards Cogs. She won't ever really admit she has feelings for her. 

Name: Sparky

Relationship: Former friends

Like Jellybean, Sparky's a Witch with great power. Only Sparky's more interested in one-upping her former childhood friends.


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