
2 years, 2 months ago


Isolde (1900-A)

📜Character bio

This Glad Hander is one tough cookie. Often schmoozing and scheming with her bro Ignatz. While being very good at her job as a Saleswoman, she's often reviled by her fellow Sellbots. Isolde's petty and immature personality makes it hard for her to work with other Cogs due to how she sabotages them over a petty dispute. Sometimes her tactics are too competitive, perhaps underhanded. She forgets the effort to take over Toontown and turning it into a corporate paradise is a team effort.

Isolde is a gal with no chill and enjoys teasing and annoying Toons, usually with phony contracts and making fun of their appearance, sometimes... She doesn't really dislike Toons; she just hates anyone getting too close to her crush Glen. Doesn't help that she's prone to envy and often it gets the best of her. She won't ever admit it, but she does wonder if she's defective or not. Like any other Cog, she aims to get to the top of the corporate ladder but she knows deep down that her emotional immaturity gets in the way of this. Unfortunately, she doesn't know what to do about it. 

But don't be fooled, she's not the kind to sit around a mope about her woes. At her best, she has an iron will. Once she's set on something, it'll be hard to talk her out of it. It's that determination and decisiveness that has gotten her far in her life as a Cog. This immovable willpower paired with a desire to prove other wrong make her a force to be reckoned with. If she wants something, she'll do everything in her power to get it.


Izzy, Iz
Female (sexless)
True Neutral/Chaotic Good
Cog Branch:
Glad Hander
Sellbot HQ

"Yeah I may be "annoying" and "shallow", but I can't help it if I'm cute! "


  • Gossip
  • Glen
  • Classical music
  • Romance novels 
  • Gullible people


  • Joybuzzers
  • Mr. Zero
  • Anyone getting too close to Glen
  • Sharp-eyed Toons
  • Not being paid attention to


  • Isolde's sense of humor can be described as dry and sardonic.
  • She has a glitch where she's physically incapable of faking a smile.
  • She named herself after one of the protagonists of Tristan und Isolde, an opera based on the 12th-century romance story of the same name.
  • She used to have romantic feelings for The Vice President of Sales.
  • She has a fear of Doodles
  • She has a habit of singing to herself.
  • She has a secret romantic side


•Very persuasive


•Petty as heck
•Emotionally immature
•Easily envious



Name: Ignatz

Relationship: Siblings

 Isolde has been very close to Ignatz since they were Cold Callers, they see each other as siblings. They were determined to get through the corporate ladder together. The two Glad Handers are known for their fierce tenacity and their impressive sales record. On the outside they appear to work very well with each other, they do but due to their differing personalities, they clash quite a bit. Isolde is willing to do unethical things to get far but Ignatz won't let her get far. This causes them to clash a lot, sometimes leading them to not speak to each other for days (until Ignatz cracks). Even though she seems to dislike her brother's goody-goody nature, she wouldn't want him any other way.

Name: Glen

Relationship: crush (one-sided)

It's no secret that Glen the Telemarketer is a very popular fellow among the ladies (and gentlemen) oftentimes reveling in all the attention he gets, except for when Isolde chases after him. Isolde is one of many who has a huge crush on Glen. She often antagonizes any Cog or Toon that either is dating or is pursued by Glen, a great way to make enemies for sure. She's enamored by his charm, smarm and good looks, she can't help it! She would do a lot to keep him all to herself. She believes herself to be a better match for him than anyone else.


Name: Bluebell

Relationship: rivalry (one-sided)

Since Glen is pursuing the Toon Rabbit, Isolde aims to make her life miserable and to make her look bad In front of Glen. She does this by making fun of Bluebell, often targeting her appearance and interests. Bluebell of course is unfazed and does a decent job of keeping Isolde off her back (at times). Despite all of Isolde's efforts, Glen still is enamored by the Rabbit, making her jealous of Bluebell. To Isolde, it doesn't make sense why would someone like Glen like a scrawny little Rabbit like Bluebell. What makes her so special anyway?


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