Baek Jaehyun (TAZA)



1 year, 4 months ago


Jaehyun Baek
23 years
Vet Tech




Survival Skills


Jaehyun, known as Jae to friends, is a first generation immigrant and formerly a vet tech student. At the evac camps, he volunteered his services as an EMT due to his professional background. His compassion and drive kept him to stay back until the final evac group. Unfortunately the final evac copters was never deployed, as the city was lost. He followed Lt. Honma out of the city moments before it was bombed to the ground, and has been travelling with him since.

Jae is a versatile and capable survivor. His trustworthiness and willingness to help has made him an important and well-liked member of his group.

Outdoor Enthusiast
He grew up in the PNW, where he took to outdoor exploration as a hobby. During the Outbreak, Jae's first instinct was to gear up in case things went south. He is fully outfitted in hiking gear and is just as comfortable camping outdoors as he is in a domestic domecile.
Jae's primary weapon is his crossbow. His original bow was left behind in evac, but he looted this bow some time during their travels. He has a limited supply of reusable bolts, which he retrieves and repairs after every use.
Hunting License
Before the Outbreak, Jae had a hunting license and he is a skilled hunter and fisher. He knows how to track animals to some extent, and can set up snares for small animals.

Basic Medical Training
His experience as a volunteer medic and a vet tech has given him some idea of basic emergency medical care.
Silent Speaker
Jae is fluent in sign language, thanks to someone in his past. In general, Jae is stealthy, soft-spoken and quiet, and he makes for a good forward scout.

Nico is the current leader of Jae's group. Due to his capabilities and quiet deference, Jae often finds himself playing the role of Nico's right hand man. Jae respects and admires Nico's ideals, even though sometimes he finds them to be somewhat unrealistic.

Nico often pairs the two on missions as the cool and level-headed Jae does much to temper impulsive young Seong. As a result and also due to similar backgrounds growing up in the K-town ghettos, the two have an almost sibling like relationship, with Jae playing the role of the older brother.

Taejun, Jaehyun's older brother, worked in the Capital as a government agent. Jaehyun has no idea what has become of Taejun, but hopes that if they continue to travel towards the Capital that he might find him there.

Jaehyun Baek Expert Survivalist
