

1 year, 8 months ago


"Rot away quietly... I can't... hear myself think...."
Igwe Aasir
Nyctelios/Grim Reaper/The Shadowed King
December 9th
Nonbinary He/They/It's
Psychic Enforcer
  • Nothing In Particular
  • Nothing In Particular

Listed as the fourth strongest psychic on record, Nyctelios is an absent minded and listless individual. He finds himself to be neutral on most things in life, and seems to be averse to developing any hobbies, as a result of their rough upbringing, they believe that for someone like them, those things don't matter. They've already achieved the one singular goal they had in life, and now consider themselves to be more property than person, a weapon to be pointed at others. A lot of work as been put into attempting to dissuade this belief, with only a few cracks here or there.

Nyctelios is what most would consider socially inept. They always say what's on their mind, and their absent minded nature causes them to come off as rude, aggressive, or at points, even outright malevolent. His extreme indifference towards most things makes them horrific at conversation, but an amazing soldier, as they follow orders to the letter and never deviate from what it's told to do. He tends to soak up information like a sponge, and regurgitate it back up, and he will always, ALWAYS, be honest to a fault.

Psionic Talent: Pestilence. Nyctelios's body is a host to billions of microscopic parasites, of which they can control psionically through a hivemind like mental link. These parasites carry doses of a deadly toxin, of which when applied to a victim, they induce rapid on site necrosis as well as a fast acting neurotoxin. A singular dose from a singular parasite by itself is near negligible, but with every subsequent dosage it becomes more and more toxic. It is basically, for any organic lifeform, a swarm of instant death. Nyctelios themselves are immune to all toxins and poisons as a result, and their innards, especially their blood, is considered to be incredibly dangerous. The parasites themselves must be closely monitored, as they rapidly multiply in heat, but they are extremely sensitive to cold temperatures and will die extremely quickly, rendering Nyctelios's psionic talent useless during colder days out of the year.
  • Nyctelios has asthma.
  • They are deathly allergic to seafood.
  • Their pupils always look huge because of the mass of parasites that are swarming in their eyes. Somehow this does not impair their vision.
  • To regulate the parasites, Nyctelios often eats cold things, like popsicles and icecream..
  • They are the youngest psychic currently working for the E.I.D.F.




Dygra's friendly nature made it so that the large man never left Nyctelios alone, and the rank 4 psychic was oddly receptive to it. Nyctelios is often seen taking piggy back rides on Dygra's back, and do to the tightness of their bond, they're often sent on missions outside Eden's walls together.

Coworkers, Friends



Nyctelios' "savior". Cthulhu's powers are a direct counter to Nyctelios' and that single fact saved them from an incident that happened right before they joined the E.I.D.F. Due to being in a similar age range, as well as both their powers being classifed as catastrophically dangerous phenomena, Cthulhu is trying very hard to get to know Nyctelios better, though it's very hard getting passed it's general wall of indifference.



Character Name

Replace the "relationship" on top with what type of relationship they have (friend, sibling, rival, etc). Use the number of hearts to indicate relationship strength. Write a small summary of the relationship here.