

1 year, 8 months ago




Number Six on the Esper Investigation and Defense Force. Dygra, aka Ironwall, or Barnaby by those who knows him well, is an absolutely powerhouse. His large, gauntleted form is considered the pinnacle of the strength, and he is by far the biggest human in Eden. This is a fact that he takes great pride in, and something he absolutely ues to his advantage. Combined with his loud and boisterous personality, he often ends up strongarming his peers into doing "bonding activities" with him. No one can beat him in a contest of strength..

At heart, it's very clear that Dygra is a family man. You can't be around him for more than a couple minutes before he starts talking about how much he loves his wife and his 4 daughters. He's constantly holding parties at his place, forcing his coworkers to join so he has more of an excuse to gush about how much he cares for them. However he's not entirely soft. Dygra is what most would consider a "combat sexual", and has been to prison several times for bashing heads and leaving people on death's door, for no other reason than that he enjoys the fight. The only reason he's not currently sitting in jail is because alongside his massive frame was a powerful psionic talent, which made it almost impossible to keep him locked up. Instead, the E.I.D.F. decided to redirect his extremely violent tendencies towards Eden's OTHER criminals. As a precaution, they've installed vials on his gauntlets that will inject sedatives on the off chance that gets too out of control.


Gargantuan, Wide
Polished, Classy and Cut.


  • Dygra is characterized by his wide shoulders and large chest.
  • His right eye is always a slit, to nail that unhinged look.
  • The tubes on his pauldrons are never not filled with liquid, sometimes release gas.
  • Sometimes wears chaps, but not always. Has a slight "Big Western Boy" Aesthetic. Always dresses nicely despite looking so rough (his wife likes it).
  • He has over 10 tattoos in total, covering every limb except his fully covered arm.

Psionic Talent: Earthen Avatar

Attack 80%
Defense 100%
Fundamentals 60%
Versatility 60%
Recovery 40%
Strategy 30%
Range 20%
Destructivness 90%

Standard: Force of the Land*

The main bulk of Dygra’s psionic talent, and what separates him from other geokinesis users. Also known as Supreme Geokinesis, through touch Dygra can exercise control over all types of mineral and matter that originate from the earth. From metals to crystals to rocks, even being able to manipulate manufactured items that have a large percentage of an earth based material in them, like cement. With this he can perform all kinds of feats, like constructing walls and towers, or instantly refining coals into diamonds. Additionally, while he only has a base range of touch, as long as a suitable material is in contact with another suitable material, he can control that too.

Standard: Burrow

Dygra can pass through earth and walls made of materials he can control with geokinesis without disturbing it whatsoever, they allows him to effortlessly tunnel his way underneath the city or make his way in and out of buildings without causing heavy amounts of damage. He's surprisingly crafty with this little trick.

Passive: Seismic Sense

Despite Dygra’s large size, he’s incredibly sensitive to minute movements in the ground around him, being able to feel vibrations from up to one hundred feet away. This makes him an incredibly difficult person to sneak up on, but most importantly for his line of work, it becomes even harder to escape from him once he’s on your trail.



Rocky Foundations

As far as psychics go, it was clear from birth that Barnaby Williams was one, and as such he was a very difficult child to take care of, not to mention growing up in a less than savory part of town, instead of going to school, he was wandering the back alleys cultivating his love of fighting through fights instigated with people much older than him. It didn’t really matter who it was, he was prepared to smash them into the dirt for the hell of it. Whether he won or lost, he was back at it again the next day, excited for the thrill of the battle and not caring about the outcome, though with his quickly gathering power, losses were becoming rarer and rarer these days.

The Ironwall Makes His Name

Barnaby was already making his way in and out of juvy from a young age, and as he got older and began picking larger fights, it would of course translate to jail time. The issue was that his battlelust was impossible to contain. He was a master at developing his abilities on the fly, and not only was it too expensive to keep him sedated, it was also considered unethical. Everytime he escaped he’d bring a riot with him, reveling in the chaos and butting as many heads as he could until he was eventually captured again. In the midst of his escape attempts, he met and fell in love with a girl, eventually having 4 children with her, and even breaking out on the day of his wedding. He’d become known as the living embodiment of chaos, and for a while, it seemed like the city would just have to get used to his mayhem.

E.I.D.F.’s Intervention

The era of Ironwall’s reign of terror came to an end when the E.I.D.F. was more properly initiated as an Organization in the city. It took a lot of convincing on their part to get the government agree to sign Ironwall over to them, but a plan to keep him in check was eventually proposed. Essentially, all he had to do was stop going on rampages, and combat other psionic criminals that were causing trouble throughout the city instead. In return, he’d get to be a “free” man, and spend more time with his wife and kids. He wasn’t the biggest fan of giving up the excitement of big city wide brawls with law enforcement, but he couldn’t deny the allure of being guaranteed to go against strong opponents. What sealed the deal, though, was that it’d be a perfect anniversary gift to his wife. From then on Dygra was officially collared to the E.I.D.F., well, as collared as the Ironbound King could be.






”What’s not to love? The man got so much energy it’s infectious. Makes me wanna go out and beat the shit out of somethin!”




”One of them introverts, and pretty powerful, so I’d be lyin’ if I said i got ta speak with him much, especially cause he’s always at his fancy condo or somethin’ watchin’ shows and talking about some lass named Anny Mae. Whoever she is, she could probably do better, no offense to the bloke.”




”Every man needs a work wife, and Hastur always gets my papers done fer me, so he fits the bill as good as any! It’s hard typin’ on a computerything with this big ol’ mitts I got.




”They sure build the youths differently nowadays! I could hardly believe the whelp was so much stronger than me when we first met. But ah… he’s a bit of a tough crowd, in terms of personality. He’s clearly been through a bit, but I’ll have ‘im brightenin’ up in no time at all!”



Coworkers, Friends

”It’s refreshing to have another older fellow on the team to talk to. The guy needs t’ be more active though! It’s a pain tryna sneak into his place ta give him a beer every once in a while.”




”Not the most pleasant fellow to be around, but I admire his strength! I just wish he’d come by more so we could get more fights in, not that I’ve ever won a bout with him, hah!”