

1 year, 8 months ago




The E.I.D.F.'s resident grandpa, Yog-Sothoth has dedicated almost a century of service to the cultivation and rise of Eden, enough to have earned several medals and awards, though nowadays most people don't even know where he is. Yog spends most of his days sleeping, under the care of Hastur. People would also be hardpressed to recognize him by appearance as well, as many years of technological procedures were preformed on him to extend his lifespan, to the point where only select few bits of him remained "human". Despite all the experimentation, Yog is a pleasant man to be around. He positively looks forward to every day, and is a comforting presence for a lot of the folks that know him. To others that don't know him though, he can come off as ominously or weird, slightly lacking in common sense.

In terms of the E.I.D.F., Yog-Sothoth is one of their highest profile assets, but there is a large amount of controversy surrounding his involvement and position. There are people who think he deserves to rest due to all his work, and others who believe that he should continue to be on standby in case of dire situations. He is a scarily capable fighter despite his powers, with his technological advancements turning him into a beast on the battlefield, and somewhat of a speed demon. Yog is a devastating combatant while he's active, however the battery on his back keeps him limited on how active he CAN be, as once the battery runs too low, his body stops moving, and he returns to sleep.


Strange proportions, long.
Positive, elderly, slightly ominous.


  • Has the heaviest eldritch influence out of the top psychics.
  • his arms are meant to be a bit longer on his frame than normal to make him feel lanky and dangerous. This is to purposely juxtapose his friendly demeanor.
  • His face is always shrouded by a hood, wires disappearing into the darkness hint to the mechanical work that is his face.
  • No human part of him remains visible, done purposely to add onto his mystique and the strange nature of his powers.

Psionic Talent: Chronokinesis

Offense 60%
Defense 40%
Fundamentals 100%
Versatility 50%
Recovery 10%
Strategy 80%
Range 10%
Destructiveness 80%

Passive: Clairvoyant Dreams

While sleeping, Yog-Sothoth receives visions of events. The events are random in nature, and can come from any period of time, from the past, present or future. While sleeping Yog can also be asked questions on any event that has or will pass and may be able to give an answer/premonition in his sleep. The ability is uncontrollable and unruly, with him often forgetting his premonitions when he wakes up.

Passive: Deja Vu

As if he's done all of this before, Yog has unnatural reaction time in or out of combat, and not just because of his technological enhancements. When focusing, he can begin to react to attacks before they've even been made. This naturally makes him nigh impossible to catch off guard while he's awake.

Charge: [X]%

By consuming a chunk of power from his Lucid Battery, Yog is said to dilate time around himself, being able to take multiple actions at the same time, the actions must use more charge the more complex they are, so normally he keeps it to short concise actions, like punches, or slashes, or even to quickly reposition himself. On the plus side using this ability in dapid succession allows him to build more and more momentum. If he wants, he can dilate time around an ally as well, though theyre often disoriented if done without warning.

Drain: Fate Calibration

What makes him the EIDF's great contingency plan. When activating this, he claims that time stops almost immediately for everything that is not him or in direct contact with him. His Lucid Battery rapidly begins to drain due to the large energy consumption, but he can move and act freely as long as the battery has charge. Once the battery runs out, the technique ends and he becomes far too fatigued to fight for a long time



The First Generation

Around 150 Years ago the first generation of psychics began showing up in society. The first generation of psychics created were one of more wild, unruly powers, and Yog, known by his real name Emmerich Ward, was clearly the strongest in his era. He was one of the few peacekeepers of the time, bringing order to the rise in uncontrolled psychics during a time where the government had very little countermeasures

Technique Preservation Program

While Yog's latent psychic abilities were incredibly potent, they took a toll on his body, producing large amounts of cosmic radiation and causing him to get sicker. Technology however at the time was getting back on the rise, and with psychic abilities settling into every day life, the government and, at the time, young E.I.D.F. we're interested in preserving powerful abilities for the future of the city. Yog, being the ever helpful person he was, was happy to undergo the process, and over time slowly had parts of his body replaced until he far from resembled the human he originally was. But his brain, and therefore his psionic ability remained. Due to the constant maintenance he slowly disappeared more and more from public eye.

Modern Day

Now a fairly a sleepy old man, he spends much of his day napping in one of the E.I.D.F.s more protected facilities, aiding the Investigation Department in much of their cases with his power to peer into events. Though relaxed, great care is taken to make sure is still always combat ready in case of emergencies. And thst he still remains Eden's most formidiable close quarters combatant. Until needed though, he will gladly take advantage of the lackadaisical days in the organizations care, making friends with his fellow operatives.






”What a kind young man! He visits me with Hastur sometimes, he's quite the conversationalist.”




”A bit of a grump, but I can tell that he likes me."




”For someone so strong, he seems severely lacking in confidence."




”Also one of the ones who shadows Hastur on his visits. The way they bicker reminds me of puppy love 💛.”




”A bit loud for my tastes, but we get along just fine.”




”He is far to young to be put through what he was put through. I wish i could find a way to make them smile!”




”He’s brash but I think its charming 💛. He seems upset that I'm not very interested in an all out fight with him.”