


1 year, 7 months ago


New caravanner



15 (Year 1) - 20 (Year 6)


Family job


In battle



Older bro

Younger bro









  • Délia is the default "Long hair" Clavat from the game.
  • I did her 2nd and 3rd outfits. 2nd outfit is inspired by XC Fiora.
  • For 3rd design she gets her hair cut by Linitaa.
  • Did you know that her default design was inspired by an old unused draft for FFIX Dagger?


Délia is friendly and compassionate. She likes to chat and is close to her family, and often works with them at their shop. She also helps at the village's farms sometimes, and spends time with her friend Roy when she's there.

She likes to chill outside surrounded by nature and look at beautiful landscapes, such as the view on the sea and sky that she can enjoy from Tipa's highest cliff. She also likes food, mostly fruits.


Délia was born in Tipa, as the second child of a merchant family.

She grows up while being pretty much shaped by usual Clavats' values, making her kind, empathic and respectful of others. Her family is a loving one and she has pretty much everything she needs.

Délia is especially close to her big brother, Ramsey. When she was younger, their relationship was more distant as he didn't like her much, but that changed after a few events when she was 6 and he became nicer to her. After that, they spend more fun and nice time together, and Ramsey helps their parents with her education. When Délia is 13, Ramsey leaves the village to be a caravanner and always tells her his stories through letters and when coming home.

Délia thus grows curious about his adventures and what it would be like to travel outside of the village, making her want to live the same thing. She also definitely care about keeping their village safe, which gives her more motivation. When she's 14, she decides to become a caravanner and wishes to travel with Ramsey the year after. That said, the two of them can't go together as their parents need one of them to stay home. At this point Délia is disappointed, but Ramsey encourages her to go and leave instead of him, to live her own adventures.

Délia finally agrees with that, but she still have some doubts and fear about the actual process of traveling surrounded by miasma, and fighting monsters to get drops of myrrh. She's also worried to be far from home and her family as she was always close to them, and she knows she'll miss them deeply. That being said, she gathers her strength to go nonetheless, thinking of the positive points she will get to live.

After taking some training sessions with olders caravanners and with Roy and Linitaa, who are also new recruits, she leaves for a her first journey when she is 15.


Roy Close friend

Délia and Roy spend time together since they were children, first to play in the village, then more often to work in the fields or chill together. They're already close friends who confide in each other at the start of the journey. Délia truly appreciates Roy's kindness and care for others, but also encourages him to not forget about himself. She wants to be a support for him, and knows she can count on him to do the same.

Linitaa Friend

Délia starts spending some time with Linitaa when she's 14 to learn how to fight. They befriend over that, and when learning that Linitaa wants to become a caravanner, Délia makes her final decision to become one too. Délia looks up to Linitaa, seeing her as a strong and confident person. They get closer soon enough during the first year, and over time Délia eventually thinks of her as an older sister.

Ramsey Big brother

Délia and Ramsey have a close and compassionate relationship. Délia looks up to her brother, considering he's brought a lot of things to her while growing up. She knows she can rely on him because of how protective he is. Over the journey, Délia wants to give that back to him and consider that Ramsey shouldn't have all of his concerns being about her.

Luu Kah Friend

Délia knows Luu Kah mostly because he hangs out with Ramsey and sometimes comes to their house. At first sight, when she was about 10, Délia thought he didn't seem very friendly; over time she got accustomed to him and realized he could be more open and funny. When they first travel together, they're already comfortable with each other. Since Luu Kah teases people, Délia tends to play his game and do the same.

Weylin Friend/mentor

Délia gets to know Weylin more during her first travel. She thinks of her as a respectful person, though she's also confused by her teasings at first. Once she gets used to it and understand Weylin more, she doesn't hesitate to talk with her and ask for advice.

Lylia Friend

Délia starts bonding with Lylia some time before their first journey together, because of Lylia being a caravanner with Ramsey. Délia feels comfortable soon enough because of Lylia being friendly and chatty with her. During the journey, they become good friends who comfort each other when needed, and they're comfortable with physical closeness.