


1 year, 7 months ago


Caravan's captain



24 (Year 1) - 29 (Year 6)


Family job


In battle









  • Weylin's 1st design is a mix of 1st and 3rd skin from the game. I did her 2nd and 3rd outfits.
  • 3rd outfit is mainly black to point out her dark mage role.
  • Her face without helmet is basically never seen; I was inspired by art from a user called furioustheowlboy who designed Yukes without helmets.
  • Officially there's mystery surrounding Yukes' bodies (being real or not). I'm one of those who make the choice of an actual physical form for them. Some kind of human/bird mix, kinda like Lilties are human/plants.

Weylin has a chill temper but also likes to joke, though her serious tone when doing so can confuse people who don't know her. She's the oldest member of the caravan and also the captain, her role being mostly to supervise their way during the journey and make the wise decisions.

She likes to read and learn about a lot of things due to her family's influence. She starts the adventure with a Fire Ring, obtained through a previous journey.


Weylin was born in a small village in Alfitaria's region in an alchemist family. When she was 3, her mother was seriously ill and nearing death, and her father, poor and deeply depressed, couldn't find the strength to keep going and raise her. He asked two friends of him -alchemists and caravanners from Tipa, who knew him through a visit in the village then letter exchanges- to take care of Weylin instead. Seiberg and Torbgieta took her in charge and went back home. Weylin's mother died from her illness soon after and her father let himself die.

Weylin doesn't have much memories of her early life. Once in Tipa, when she's a kid and a teen, she's a pretty solitary girl, being mostly interested in reading stuff at home. She grows in a warm atmosphere and is close to her family though, living with her dads and her grandma (her other two grandparents live apart), who pretty much all like to tease each others on a regular basis.

Weylin doesn't think of becoming a caravanner before she's almost 20, partly because she never thought she could be a fighter. That being said, with her growing will to see the outside world with her own eyes, she talks about it with her family and realizes she can practice magic and count on it for battles. She takes more training sessions with her dads and then also with former caravanners.

When leaving for her first journey at 20, Weylin is still unsure about what she'll be able to do in battle. She travels with Finn -the elder's son- with Jude -a Lilty farmer- and with Gan Noo -Luu Kah's brother. Finn is a lively and supportive captain, and helps her find her place in the team. A year later, Jude leaves the caravan and Lylia joins instead. The year after, when Finn retires, Gan Noo also lets his place to Luu Kah, and Ramsey joins too. At this point, Weylin is named captain despite being a young caravanner, which creates new doubts about her role.

Her two first years as captain go with some ups and downs. She gets aware of the heavy burden to have, to some extent, responsibility over the lives of the caravan members, and isn't sure how she's supposed to act with them, especially when comparing herself to Finn. She eventually realizes that for her, being captain doesn't mean she has to be superior in any way compared to the rest of the caravan, nor does she has to be like Finn was, personality-wise. Weylin wants the caravan to be a team before anything, with everyone having their role and playing a part in decision-making processes, even if she's the one to give the big directions.

At the start of the main story, Weylin has been a caravanner for four years and captain for two years. She has more confidence than before and lets her personality unrestrained, thus teasing her comrades when she feels like it.


Lylia Friend

Despite having different tempers, Weylin and Lylia are good friends who know each other well and know how to be an efficient team, after traveling together for three years prior to the main story. Lylia's chatty habits helped Weylin open up a bit, and sometimes confide in more easily during their first travels. Weylin likes to tease Lylia because she reacts easily to it, which only feeds Weylin's enjoyment.

Ramsey Friend

Weylin's first impression of Ramsey is one of a well-behaved boy, but she soon learns about his adventurous, sometimes reckless side, which leads to some issues during their first travel. With time, Weylin does progressively care more about him, first as a younger teammate to look after, then as an important and reliable friend. They like to exchange over various topics, tied to their common thirst for knowledge.

Luu Kah Friend

After their first travels together and overcoming some hardships, Weylin and Luu Kah become pretty good teasing partners; Weylin especially likes to create ways to make him and Lylia bicker. They don't have much shared interests and are quite opposite in their fighting style, but when Luu Kah eventually opens up to learning magic and lets softer sides of him show, Weylin gets to figure him out and warm up to him.

Linitaa Friend

Weylin is interested in Linitaa because of their common curiosity and will to learn more about their world. She notices that Linitaa doesn't open up much as first, which kinda makes her think of herself. Over time, with Linitaa becoming more involved in their adventures and decision-makings, Weylin builds trust in her and gives her more responsibility in some situations.

Délia Friend

Weylin sees Délia as a cheerful and motivated girl, yet also as a young caravanner to look after. After a while, Weylin also notices her self-doubts, and gets to be a support when Délia opens up to her, especially about their motivations to be caravanners. Weylin relates to her will to see and discover the world with her own eyes, and encourages her to appreciate the positive sides of their journeys.

Roy Friend

Weylin is curious about Roy because of his will to practice magic and to be the caravan's white mage. During their journey, she's willing to ler him train with her Fire Ring whenever he wants to. The two of them make a good pair in battle because of their mage roles. Weylin offers him emotional support if he reaches out to her when in doubt, and she is glad to see him becoming more confident and happier over time.