


1 year, 3 months ago



Name Alba
DOB Unknown
Age 5,941,999,956
Gender Genderfluid
Height Variable
Class Deity
Race Mystgon
Role Mystgon of nature


Alba is the mystgon of nature. Like the others she was intent on creating a grand new ultimate world that could support a vast amount of life in every nook and cranny of it. Alba’s main responsibility was naturally the islands of Personalia. She would spend decades without rest to sculpt lands and form ecosystems that were all perfectly and meticulously meshed together so that each island was possible of containing living creatures whether they preferred someplace warm, cold, swampy, thickly forested, or even barren as a desert. Every blade of grass, every drop of water, and even every grain of sand was carefully placed by her to ensure that it was all perfect. She took her job extremely seriously and refused help when it came to it. As one might expect, her pride in her work also brought with it a temperament like a raging fire towards those who would willingly disrespect nature whether they be mortal or even god. To assist herself with her work she created a secondary species to live with emotibeasts known as “Elementals”. As the name suggests these were creatures made of and able to control the elements of nature. Each one was given a bit of her own myst, a small fraction of her essence that made them practically demigods, and in a way, her offspring. With the aid of the elementals, progress on island creation exceeded her expectations and she was able to fill the island with all manner of ecosystems and biomes to accommodate the emotibeasts of Personalia. Her dainty appearance would let many believe she was the calm reasonable time, but in truth she was more of a passionate yet stern mother. This was going to be her ultimate work after all, so she would not hesitate to voice her anger when needed. Thankfully, these outbursts were not abundant as many emotibeasts had learned to respect nature how she intended. One creature that did not respect it however was a certain deity created by one of her own brethren Hassof. It was Destroyer, the creature made by Hassof to put an end to Kronos. Alba had already listened to Genten’s prediction of the future and what it meant for Personalia if Kronos succeeded here. She knew the battle would result not only in casualties of emotibeasts, but destruction of ecosystems as well. It tore her up inside, but it was going to have to be done so that she could rebuild from there. After the clash, much of Personalia was wrecked, and Alba began reconstruction on all that was lost. What she did not expect was that Destroyer was more of a feral creature than a sentient deity like the rest of them. Even after its battle with Kronos had ended the beast would not settle down and continued to annihilate more of Personalia without showing any signs of stopping. Alba confronted Hassof, enraged with him for releasing such a destructive beast onto the world without any regard for what it’d do after fighting Kronos. Hassof reasoned Destroyer’s onslaught would ensure that there would be no one to become “another Kronos”. He believed it’d be for the best to start from scratch, which was enough to almost make Alba fight him to the death. Genten was able to hold her back and Hassof was forced to leave. Genten provided Alba with some of the knowledge that he acquired from his many missions. In short, Destroyer was a necessary component. The fate of Personalia was tricky, but the path to its longest life had one key factor Alba was made aware of: Destroyer could not die yet. Destroyer needed to be sealed, and Alba was the only one who could do it. The only catch was that it would require all the myst Alba had left. Alba’s resolve let her decide without even wasting a second. Personalia meant everything to her and she would gladly give it all up so that her legacy can live out its fullest potential. Alba managed to cut off Destroyer at Cerebral Island and trapped it at what would be called the Northern Divide. She split open the earth below the crevice and forced Destroyer inside where she began to seal it away for good with every last bit of her myst. A layer of every element was made on top of Destroyer's body until they all formed a magic chrysalis that would isolate it from the rest of the world forever. The only thing that would be able to awaken Destroyer from its seal now would be Alban myst.


Home Nowhere
Alignment Chaotic Neutral
Sign None
Weakness None
Food None
Family Genten, Century, Hassof (Fellow mystgons), Elementals (Offspring)



  • The sea
  • The sky
  • Dirt
  • Flowerbeds


  • Pollution
  • Environmental degradation
  • Mistakes
  • Climate Change


  • Alban myst is Alba’s signature myst, its unique ability affects the growth and formation of natural elements including plants, rock formations, and even some chemical reactions. It's similar to basic forms of myst in a way where it can create matter, however unlike basic myst the non-sentient matter it creates is bent to her will. Contact with this myst can cause almost a bit of a parasitic growth in nature on an organism’s skin. Besides Elementals, some emotibeasts have some of this alban myst dwelling in them to a very miniscule degree which causes some bio-power class abilities such as bladetears growing steel instead of regular bone marrow.
  • It's rumored that the scales from Alba’s wings can purify the land of pollution.
  • Despite mystgons being able to change their height through the distribution of their myst, Alba chooses to remain small by choice.
  • When in her humanoid form, there is actually nothing under the dress, just alban myst.




Great Spirits
Tempest of Seasons (Inferno)
Rises the Moon
The Sun Rises
