
Name: Kevin Bukowski
Species: Human
Age: 23
Affiliate: Penn
Year: 1988
Orientation: Gay

Kevin is Penn's best human friend and love interest. In the canon storyline, he and Penn start dating officially and become well established romantic partners in their world of cassette futurism. On his own, Kevin is a kindhearted badass who isn't afraid to fight or get dirty if he needs to. He doesn't go looking for trouble, but if trouble finds him he's not about to lose. 

He's physically strong and uses his strengths to protect those he cares about. He comes from a difficult and complicated background of poverty deep in southern Texas. He escaped an abusive family situation and headed up north where he started college. It's there that he meets Penn and all of his other friends! He loves to be around his friends and have fun, but he's still mostly pessimistic and depressive in his personality. 

He's working on it though, and with the help of his friends he's got all the support he needs! His friends are his family. His favorite place to go to relax and unwind is the local arcade, and he'll never be found without his walkman and his favorite tapes.