
Name: Gary
Species: Robot
Age: 23
Year: 1999-201X
Orientation: Gay
Occupation: Professional Singer/Performer 

Gary is a complicated character who's experienced a lot of physical and emotional trauma between his year of activation (1998) and the current year (201X.) He started his singing and songwriting career by writing songs to cop with what he'd experienced, and started to regain his confidence enough to try a few different methods of songwriting. Outside of therapy, he'd do small shows at coffee houses and parks to spread joy as well as awareness to his audience no matter how big or small. Through doing these little free shows, he was discovered by a record label and produced his first studio album. It was a smash hit, and he pumped out 3 more albums and started touring! He uses is new found fame to also work as an activist for issues against violence and crimes. 

He was left without a lower arm after a brutal physical attack against him that almost left him dead. He was one of many robotic citizens of this big city that faced such attacks, and was the only robot at the time to come forward so openly about being a victim. He uses his concerts to also raise awareness about mental illness and trauma, and to promote mental health and seeking help when needed. He tries his best! He never expected to rise to fame from something he started doing to cope with his own life and emotions, so his music and performances and tours mean more than the world to him.