
        Meet Chester! (Ches for short) and his stage name is Tippy. He loves to make people laugh, loves his job, and he’s a part of a circus where he’s a part of a whole dang show/routine with his clown friends and it’s AWESOME! 

He’s 25 years old and is a former wayward runaway who found his calling and doesn’t give a shit if people think it’s weird. He specializes in puns, jokes, balloon animals, juggling, pulling flowers out of nowhere, throwing pies, and ribbon dancing. He’s also all about that self-love life and wants everyone to love themselves. He’s also gay just like me and the rest of my OC’s ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Long version of his backstory: He went to a private high school and was a start student that was "destined for greatness." His parents only cared about reputation and nothing else, and raised him to believe that he was only worth while if he would become a lawyer in the future, or someone else who could make a ton of money. He started studying law and economics at college, and following his parents orders. His grades were fantastic, but he hated every moment of it. He found it boring, cold, and unfulfilling. During his second year at age 19, he called it quit on college and hopped on a train going anywhere. He went from city to city, where he eventually found a local circus and decided to stick around and watch a few shows for fun.

It was like a lightbulb went off in his head and he felt nothing but joy for what felt like the first time in his life. He stayed after the show and talked with the staff, and found some of the most open-minded and happy people he's ever interacted with. He ended up getting a job there as a janitor, in exchange for a place to live. After working there for a few weeks and making friends with everyone, one day he woke to find they were short handed since one of the clowns had gotten injured during a stunt the night before. They asked him if he could fill in since they already got to know him just enough to know he was a nice and trustworthy person, and he agreed since it didn't sound like it would be too hard to throw pies and fall down dramatically for kicks.

When he performed in that clowns place, borrowing the clowns outfit, he found out that nothing made him happier. Crowds were laughing, cheering, clapping, and smiling. He felt that level of happiness and joy that he'd been missing back at school, just doing what everyone else wanted him to do. To make things even better than they'd already become, the other clowns said they were so impressed with his natural ability to make other laugh and smile that they offered him a permanent job! It started off part time, but as time went on, he became a full time clown! He even started headlining with his act! He designed his own outfit and routines, and the rest is history!

He lives in a trailer alongside the other clowns. They're best friends and his found family. His parents HATED the idea of him being a college drop-out, and cut contact after that. They have no idea he's a clown or where he is. He was very upset about it for a while, but has his best friends and starring role of joy and laughter to help him make it through! He's now 24 years old and honestly couldn't be happier, even if he still misses his parents from time to time. His absolute best friend's name is Sally, who even helped him sew his costume! (Stage name: Silly Sally!) He's still currently on tour along with the rest of the traveling circus!