


1 year, 10 days ago


Tiberius - cis enby (they/them EXCLUSIVELY), and also an immortal reality-bending being who currently possesses the appearance of a human.  Tiberius is surprisingly short considering their worldwide fame as a god, as they're also shockingly beautiful (according to Eris), albeit fairly average in both physical strength and stature.  They have large hazel eyes, and a petite face with soft features, so at a glance most assume them to be female and misgender them accidentally… up until they hear their voice and suddenly switch to thinking they’re a man.  They are neither, and correcting people’s mistake gets more annoying every time.  Tiberius’ hair has not stopped growing since they first fell asleep about a millennia ago, so when Eris first found them, their curly brown hair was so incredibly long that it trailed down the hallway and all the way out the front of the dreamer’s temple.  As soon as they woke up, however, they very quickly decided to cut almost all of it off (stopping at around the middle of their back) for the sake of convenience.

They were given the name Tiberius by Eris when he learned that they did not have a name (no reality bender really does).  They don’t know much about the world they’ve found themself in just yet, but they have an aptitude for strategy and are actually quite intelligent in areas where Eris is not.  They tend to be short-tempered and defensive by nature, but they’ve really started to warm up to their new environment and find a lot of joy in life (although they do still feel wildly incompetent at times, and beat themselves up about their past more than is probably healthy).  They are also very expressive and completely unable to hide how they feel, so Eris is usually quick to spot when they’re upset and comfort them.

For a long time, Tiberius didn’t know they had reality bending abilities, as they could not bend at will while conscious, however, the other benders started to realize that Tiber was bending in their dreams, and they had no control over what they created in any given reality.  The other reality benders decided to take Tiberius to a burner reality and leave them there to prevent them from messing with other actually important realities, but Tiberius was told they were taking them there to train, and they assumed that they had just forgotten about them.  It was only when Tiber was woken up by Eris that they realized they weren’t a complete dud… and that they’ve been abandoned by their people.

Name Origin: Named after the former Roman Emperor, Tiberius Julius Caesar Augustus.  In-universe, Eris thought of the name because the river that ran down the entire length of the Dreamweaver’s Island is named Tiber.

Motifs: For obvious reasons, Tiberius’ main symbols revolve around the concept of sleeping; dreaming, nightmares, sleep paralysis, and even insomnia.  However, their dreams (especially recently) tend to manifest images in patterns based on how they are feeling or where they are in the world before they fall asleep.  For example, their guilt and shame surrounding their abilities cause their nightmares to resemble dark, distorted versions of the creations their fellow reality-benders made before Tiberius was sent to this world.  On the other hand, after meeting Eris, the few positive dreams Tiberius still has often feature (and physically manifest) water in some form, like rain or rivers.

Orientation: They have no clue and don't know why you’re asking.

VC: Jason Schwartzman (as Ash from Fantastic Mr. Fox)