Kazuo Iori



5 years, 11 months ago



Name Kazuo Iori
Kanji 伊織 一雄
Nickname(s) Kaz
Gender Cis ♂
Age 19-20
Blood Type B
Birthdate September 23rd, 2023
Height 5'8" (173 cm)
Western Zodiac Libra
Color Scheme Orange
First Appearance Chapter 3
Voice Claim TBD
Persona Hermodr


  • Shounen Manga
  • Soda Pop
  • Drawing
  • Animated Films


  • Bitter Melon
  • Art History
  • Window Shopping
  • Cleaning



Physical Ability

Kazuo's Persona Hermodr is one of the physical hardhitters. Kazuo specializes in strike attacks.

Electricity Magic

Hermodr uses electricity magic, though Kazuo's magic is on the lower side so he tends to utilize his physical attacks more.

Battle Style

Kazuo is one of the slowest members in SPIES. However, on the flip side, Kazuo is capable of taking many, many hits. In a RPG, he would be considered the Mighty Glacier. He also gains the ability to cast shields eventually.


Kazuo Iori is the youngest child and son of Junpei and Chidori Iori, the younger brother of Juro and Suzume Iori. He graduated from Gekkoukan High in March 2042. Currently he’s taking art commissions while living with his best friend Yukio Sanada. He used to harbor dreams of becoming a mangaka, a dream he’s had since he was a young child. However, Kazuo is currently struggling with burnout and is questioning whether he’s been kidding himself all along.

Kazuo has been doing his best to listen to his parents cautioning him to be careful with all of the disappearances occurring. Unfortunately, he winds up becoming one of the victims. When SPIES jump in to save him, he ends up awakening to his Persona—Heimdallr.


Kazuo was born to Junpei and Chidori Iori on September 23rd, 2023. He had a fairly normal childhood. His mother stayed home for the most part, taking painting commissions. His father worked as a PE teacher at one of the local junior highs. His parents were very devoted to Kazuo and his siblings, determined to give him a happy childhood—one that they had been deprived of.

Kazuo’s main way of bonding with Chidori was through her teaching him drawing. His older brother liked art, though he preferred pottery to traditional drawing, whereas his sister had little patience for drawing. But as Junpei started to introduce Kazuo to manga, the gears in Kazuo’s mind started to turn. He wanted to tell stories too.

To be continued.


Kazuo is rather level-headed and easygoing, though he isn’t quite a social butterfly. He believes that it’s better to have a smaller, close knit group of friends, over having a large group of friends that he doesn’t know all too much about. Kazuo is friendly, but he marches to the beat of his own drum. He generally believes in going with the flow and prefer not to focus on slip-ups. Kazuo can also be rather blunt and often does not mince words. This leads to some people thinking that Kazuo can be somewhat tactless. Kazuo strongly believes in individuality being important.

Kazuo is considered somewhat of an oddball. It doesn’t help that he has the occasional scatterbrained moment. He also is quite lazy. Yukio has often remind him to take care of his chores. He can be a little too laidback as well, leading to people assuming that Kazuo has no drive or ambition. Kazuo also doesn’t particularly fuss with his clothes—though he does care about how his hair looks. His friends sometimes joke about how much hair gel he uses for his hair spikes. Kazuo tries not to show it but those comments bother him more than he’d like.

Kazuo usually expresses himself through art. His mother, Chidori, is known in the art community for the emotion she infuses in her pieces. Out of his siblings, Kazuo has always been the most interested in art. Kazuo tends to prefer on hands on activities, so he had taken to art like a duck in water. He explored many of the subfields of art, but he especially enjoyed drawing. He finds drawing his way of releasing stress.

Though Kazuo generally is rather solid in his self-image, Kazuo does have lows as everyone does. He sometimes questions his worth and abilities, due to being told over the years that being an artist would be incredibly difficult and he would most likely fail. The idea of failure honestly scares Kazuo a lot. He stuck with his dream for so long because he felt that art was the only thing he was truly good at. If he didn’t have art, what else did he have?


  • Kazuo's name means first in excellence.
  • Kazuo’s favorite season is autumn. He’s not thrilled with the extreme temperatures that come with winter and summer and he gets pretty bad allergies in the spring. So in his opinion, autumn is the best season.
  • Junpei used to do Kazuo’s hair so Kazuo continues to do his hair in spikes because of this.
  • Kazuo’s favorite sport is baseball thanks to Junpei teaching him.
  • Kazuo is extremely disinterested in romance. He just has no desire to date anyone.
  • Kazuo and Yukio have an ongoing argument over how Yukio hates carbonated drinks. He's determined to get his best friend converted to liking soda.
  • Kazuo’s hands are often smudged with pencil marks due to his drawing.
  • Despite loving art, Kazuo hates art history. He finds it extremely boring. He enjoys looking at classical paintings but he doesn’t care about learning the different art periods.
  • Kazuo is lactose intolerant. Though on occasion, he’ll bear through the pain to eat ice cream. He always claims that it’s worth the pain.



Yukio Sanada [ best friend ]

Yukio Sanada has been Kazuo’s best friend since childhood. Chidori often babysat for Yukio and his siblings, so they became very close at a young age. Currently they’re now roommates, staying in a small apartment together. In fact, Kazuo’s disappearance is what pushes Yukio into taking action, instead of staying complacent. Even though they're best friends, they do have a tendency to bicker over the silliest things. Kazuo doesn't always voice how important Yukio is to him, but he's very glad to have Yukio in his life.


Ruri Aragaki [ childhood friend ]

Ruri was always more tomboyish, so sometimes Ruri felt more comfortable with spending time with Kazuo and Yukio. As a fellow creative, Kazuo greatly respects Ruri's ability as a writer. He wishes he could be more eloquent with explaining his ideas like Ruri can. He does wish that Ruri would show her true self more often, though. As someone who never had qualms about who he is, he wishes that Ruri would have more confidence in herself.


Hinata Arisato [ childhood friend ]

To be written.