Hiroki Narukami



5 years, 11 months ago



Name Hiroki Narukami
Kanji 鳴上 博希
Nickname(s) Hiro
Gender Cis ♂
Age 17-18
Blood Type A
Birthdate December 9th, 2025
Height 5'11" (180 cm)
Western Zodiac Sagittarius
Main Color Gold/Yellow
First Appearance Unknown
Voice Claim Kyle McCarley
Persona Braggi


  • Acting
  • Dancing
  • Spicy Food
  • Origami


  • Gossip
  • Pork
  • Loose Clothing
  • Bad Singing



Bless & Almighty Magic

Hiro's Persona Braggi wields both Bless and Almighty magic, boasting a high magic stat to aid in dealing damage.

Ailment Skills

Additionally, Braggi sports some ailment skills, such as Marin Karin and Sexy Dance. This allows him to immobolize Shadows.

Battle Style

Hiro's magic is a tad higher than his strength, so he has a tendency to use magic more. His two-handed sword with a firing mechanism embedded in the hilt. When this mechanism is activated, this has a higher chance of Hiro inflicting a critical hit. The drawback, however, is that this attack is slower than just Hiro swinging his sword.


Hiroki Narukami, better known as Hiro, is the second son of Yu and Rise Narukami. He is their third child, younger brother to Kouta and Minori Narukami. He is older brother to Souma and Kotomi Narukami. For the past four years, he has been away from his hometown as a teen actor.

Unfortunately, Hiro is currently suffering through burnout and has lost his passion for acting. He worked himself to exhaustion and ended up collapsing due to it. Due to this, his agency forces him to take a hiatus and sends him back home. By then, all of his childhood friends had left to Inaba, unknown to Hiro. This leads to him feeling even more isolated.


Hiro was born to Yu and Rise Narukami on December 9th, 2025. He was their second biological child, but he has one older adoptive brother, Tadashi. Hiro had a happy childhood, with a loving, but rowdy family, and the best friends he could ask for.

As he got older, Hiro started to develop an interest in acting. When he was ten, he auditioned for a role in a commercial, succeeding in landing the position. Rise and Yu allowed him to keep auditioning for commercials, with the condition that he keep up with his studies. When Hiro was in the fifth grade, an agency approached Yu and Rise about the possibility of allowing Hiro act as an extra in movies.


Hiro comes off as cheerful, with boundless energy. However, this does have a drawback, as he easily becomes irritable if people can’t keep pace with him. People often say that he was born to be in the spotlight, being naturally charismatic. People are drawn to him, just based on his presence.

You would think, with how charismatic Hiro is, he’d be quite confident. But this is honestly the opposite. Deep down, Hiro is constantly second-guessing himself. He is close to both of his parents, and wants to do them proud. He doesn’t want to sully his mother’s name, who had been a famous Japanese singer for years. This is part of why he burned himself out, because he kept pushing himself to do better. In truth, Hiro can be very hard on himself.

While Hiro can be perceptive when it comes to people and emotions, he can also be on the dense side. He sometimes blurts out his observations, which can irk people. Fortunately, he can usually talk himself out of trouble with a charming smile. Hiro often comes off as carefree, but that’s the exact opposite of how he feels. He constantly worries about how people perceive him, which is why he takes the forced hiatus quite hard.


  • Hiroki's name means ample hope.
  • Hiro is almost exclusively called by his nickname. He doesn’t mind being called Hiroki, but he’ll respond faster to Hiro.
  • All of Hiro’s siblings are talented with some form of music. Hiro can play the guitar. He doesn’t have a bad singing voice either.
  • Due to his parents' fondness of dancing, Hiro learned how to dance from a young age.
  • Hiro loves karaoke. When he was younger, he and his friends would go to Okina City for his birthday and sing their hearts out.
  • Hiro is secretly really into rhythm games. His favorite is Bop Bop Revolution. He can actually dance to the songs when playing BBR.
  • Hiro is a good chef, but he’s also quite lazy when it comes to cooking. He also has to be stopped a lot when it comes to adding spice, because Hiro’s spicy threshold is notably higher than most people.
  • Hiro wears a braided friendship bracelet, with three charms representing his three childhood friends. It was made by Mikoto as a good luck present before he left to pursue his dream of becoming an actor.
  • Hiro is very good at imitating voices. His favorite person to mimic is Tatsuo, while exaggerating his grumpy mannerisms. Tatsuo doesn’t find this nearly as funny as the others do.



Mikoto Shirogane [ love interest ]

Mikoto is one of Hiro’s childhood best friends. They were very close growing up. Hiro was the one to come up with her nickname, Miko-chan. Mikoto was the one to encourage Hiro to really push to pursue his dream as an actor. Because of that, Hiro is extremely grateful. Hiro is unaware of it, but Mikoto harbors quite the crush on him. But after Hiro joins SPIES and starts to spend more time with Mikoto again, he slowly starts to realize that his feelings for his old childhood friend were never exactly platonic. The charm representing Mikoto on Hiro's bracelet is a hawk.


Reika Hanamura [ childhood friend ]

Reika is one of Hiro’s best childhood friends, being the troublemakers of the group. They were close growing up, but due to Hiro’s busy career, they fell out of contact. However, Reika does realize early on that Hiro was hiding more than what he was letting on. Part of the reason why Reika desired to see more of the world was from Hiro’s stories. Hiro is glad to quickly reconnect to his childhood friend. The charm representing Reika on Hiro's bracelet is a silver star.


Touya Amagi [ childhood friend ]

Hiro and Touya are childhood friends. They were close growing up and Hiro did his best to bolster Touya's confidence. When they were children, Hiro would spent several hours helping Touya practice speaking without his stutter. The charm representing Touya on Hiro's bracelet is a book.