Carson Arian



8 months, 15 days ago


Carson Arian

DoB June 20th, 1998 (Pre Stasis)

Gender & Pronouns AMAB (He/They)

Race Human

Descent Arab/Persian/Japanese

Sexuality Pansexual (Male Lean)

Residence Aveuglant City, Nash

Inheritance Reflection

Voice Claim Chris Colfer

Playlist Carson Arian

HTML Pinky


An orphan boy with unknown origins, Carson’s story officially begins with him being a homeless teenager trying to make his way and survive in the hectic, ever-changing city of Aveuglant. Along the way he makes some long lasting friendships, his fair share of mistakes, and a plethora of discoveries that will not only break his view of the world, but his view of himself.

Like a mirror, Carson will shatter—a deed eventually done by the Evoker who created him.


Friendly Reserved
Polite Blunt
Clever Foolish
Sensitive Tough
Brave Timid
Careful Reckless
Sincere Deceptive
Diligent Lazy
Calm Irritable
Humorous Serious

Sarcastic and sardonic by nature, Carson has always been much smarter than the average person his age. This intelligence mixed with his dry sense of humor makes it rather difficult for him to make friends, at least early on. In fact, it makes him a rather large target for harassment instead, especially during his early years in high school. Alas, he makes it quite easy for his harassers—having quite the bad habit of doing things out of sheer spite and provoking them when it isn’t all that necessary. All in all, that big mouth of his paired with a slight dash of arrogance often gets him in trouble.

Carson’s bookish nature also makes him a natural seeker of knowledge, which causes him to read novel upon novel no matter the genre. In fact, when researching and writing, he puts his all into it. So much so that it can be a detriment to his health. He’s the type of person who thinks a lot, but has a pretty bad tendency to overthink matters into the ground—especially personal ones pertaining to his own self worth.

Though his exterior is hard and guarded, he has a much softer core. This is something about himself that he has deemed grossly embarrassing and rarely shows to anyone. Carson is someone who years for intimacy while simultaneously fearing it—being hyper aware of the fact that nothing is permanent and being afraid of getting to attached to people or things.

At the end of the day, he truly wants to have some place to call home and wishes for an actual family to come back to. Unfortunately, that kind of normalcy is something he has never really considered to be a viable option for someone like him. Whether it be because he thinks he is undeserving of it, or just because he believes that is unlucky in life. It's a very depressing way of thinking, so it’s a good thing he that ends up being proven wrong.


Reading & Writing

It's his hobby. He especially enjoys poetry, but don't tell anybody that.

Home Cooked Meals

They're warm and comforting. He grew up homeless, sue him.


They were his favorite indie band before they broke up. What a shame.

Sweet Coffee

He likes to pair it with an everything bagel. It's a comfort meal of his.

The Library

Especially visiting it on his own terms. Yes, he breaks in at night.


His Reflection

He is not really fond of his reflection and how he looks in general.

The Hou Men

He has quite the strong hatred for Shufen and Duyi Hou.

Poor Tippers

People who don't tip their waiters are horrid. Screw the food service industry.

Teenage Boys

They just have way too much time on their hands.

Being Pitied

That familiar look people get in their eyes when they do so makes him feel awful.


Reflection Manipulation

Inheritance related. Carson is able to create, shape, and manipulate mirrors as well as the reflections within them. He is also able to shatter surrounding mirrors with a flick of his wrist if he so desires it.

Fast Travel

Inheritance related. Can travel through mirrors and into a space also known as ‘Toshi’, the Mirror Realm. It is a space that is connected to all mirrors in Akwan, no matter how big or small they may be. Carson can indeed bring others in and out of this realm with him, but his guests are otherwise stuck without him.


Inheritance related. Carson contact and communicate with others through mirrors. Think of the mirror as a screen that allows him to make video calls. Carson just has to think of the exact mirror he wishes to connect his outgoing call to.

Carbon Copies

Inheritance related. The ability to create realistic copies of oneself, others, and objects via their reflections. This ability allows Carson to turn these reflections into physical entities that will eventually disintegrate and wither over time. He must pull this copy straight from the mirror, an act that will exhaust him greatly. For objects, Carson can make multiple copies at once. For living beings, he can only make one at a time and several of himself depending on his current skill level; being able to control these copies mentally.


Carson's time working with the Tuseoggi has not only made him quick on his feet, but has also made him quite good at slight of hand too. In other terms: he is excellent at stealing as well as breaking and entering.

Combat Knowledge

As an extra safety precaution, Carson's best friend, Mei-Lin, eventually made him learn self defense from her. This includes both hand to hand combat and the use of actual weapons, though he mostly prefers spears after a certain point in his life.



Carson had never been sure how exactly he ended up in an orphanage in Aveuglant City, but he did manage to put together even at a young age that neither of his birth parents wanted him enough to keep him. Residing at that orphanage since he was only three months old or so, his first name was given to him by the matron who ran the place. He could tell there was no real thought put into it, “Carson” was just another random name to her. At the end of the day though, he was just happy to have a name to begin with. It was his lack of a last name that bugged him, and for obvious reasons.

As a young boy, Carson hated every second he spent living in that orphanage. Not only was he taunted, pushed around, and tormented by the other children—but he swears to the Gods above that he can remember the matron burning him with her half smoked cigarettes on occasion. He has the scars on the back of his hands and neck to prove it.

Eventually, Carson learned how to fight back—throwing hands with the other children on a constant basis and beginning to make snide comments towards the matron. He naturally became rather cynical at a young age, becoming just as smart to sort of even it out. Either way, he doesn’t really have any friends during this point in his life, not at school or at the orphanage. Not to mention he is still bullied ruthlessly, but lets it get to him less now.

When he wasn’t back at the orphanage after school, he could be usually found at the writers club or probably got stuck with detention. On his better days though, he could be found at the public library—either with his nose stuck in a book or doing some writing of his own. Regardless, he was always found alone. It’s lonely and he knows the feeling well at that point.

It’s once he reached middle school that Carson figured out that he loathes the sight of his own face, thus beginning to avoid his reflection at all costs. He attempted to grow out his hair several times in order to lessen the blow of this unease, but the matron would simple cut it all off again the minute it grew past his chin. She never thought that long hair was appropriate for a young man, and he hated her for it.

Once a teenager, Carson finally haves enough of the orphanage. Things progressively get worse for him there which motivates him to try and leave. The result of this his him taking illegal jobs here and there from a shady man in the blacklight district known as Baek-Hyun or the Tuseoggi. Carson is desperate for the money at this point, so he doesn’t let it bother him too much—saving up as much money as he can before finally running off to an abandoned building that he’s already scoped out. The best part? No one bothers to look for him. From then on he is free to live as he pleases. It’s not easy, but to him its worth it.


Sent on a job by the Tuseoggi, one that requires the theft of an important set of documents, Carson eventually runs into Mei-Lin Liao; who was sent out on her very first assassination mission by her grandfather. Coincidentally, these two separate missions send them to the same place at the same time (same target, different plan). After a squabble, Mei-Lin recognizes him as a young boy who she got into a spat with and pushed off a tree at the park back when they were very young—which only causes more bickering. However, they eventually decide to help one another out in completing their respective tasks.

Along the way, the two make awkward small talk and banter—clearly warming up to each other. Carson even steals an ugly vase out of spite for a statement Mei-Lin made. Eventually, they find the documents Carson needs to bring back to his boss. Carson doesn’t leave the building as Mei-Lin goes off to complete her own mission, stealing random items around the gaudy mansion as he waits for her. He even makes himself at home, making him and Mei-Lin sandwiches to have for dinner.

It is clear by the end of these events that the duo click well and have become unlikely friends. As a result of their platonic chemistry and his lack of friends, Carson wishes to remain in contact with her. So, he gives her his current burner phone—assuring her that he’ll message her on it once he gets a new one. Thus, their friendship officially begins.














Best Friend

Carson’s closest and only friend for a long time, so much so that she was the only person in the world that he cared about truly and deeply before making other bonds. It’s clear that Mei-Lin cares for him in the same way, constantly fearing for his safety while he is still working for Baek-Hyun and even pushing for him to leave behind that way of living. Mei-Lin also taught him how to fight and continues to threaten to beat up anyone who aims to hurt him. Meanwhile, Carson tries to take care of Mei-Lin in his own ways as well, paying for her things constantly while also teaching her about the world that her grandfather has kept from her. They don't always see eye to eye, but at the end of the day these two are family. So much so that when they're older and each have children of their own, he is literally the Godfather of her daughter.



Boyfriend, Future Spouse

Carson’s first official friend after Mei-Lin, Magnus was the first person besides her to get him to open up about his feelings. Magnus had reached out to him as teenagers and invited him out for a drink, feeling bad about the trouble he and the others caused at Carson’s workplace. From there, a genuine friendship grew and quickly turned into a crush the more and more time the two spent with one another. Carson initially wrote Magnus off as undatable, his new friend being too good for him, but Magnus proved him wrong by also being interested. After a lot of misunderstandings and tiptoeing around one another, these two finally getting together was met with a sigh of relief from their friends—who had always assumed that domestic life was meant for the two of them. Carson is still shocked to this very day that he got so lucky.


Nanette Berti

Close Frenemy

One of the biggest walking headaches in the world to him, Nanette Berti was the person who got Carson fired from his job at ‘Mal’s’ in the first pace—provoking his sense of spite. She is one of his top nuisances, but over time the two of them actually begin to form an understanding of one another. Though they almost never see eye to eye, constantly making underhanded comments at one another, they do end up coming to care for each other a bit after a certain amount of time has passed. It’s very much a ‘no one can talk garbage about him/her but me’ kind of vibe. Not friends, not enemies, but frenemies. Carson would also never admit this, but he sort of finds her attractive as well. When it comes to women; tiny, bratty girls seem to be included in his type.


Brenton Montoya

Close Friend

Brenton Montoya is a young man with many crushes. Carson is one of them, and it shows. In fact, it’s so painfully obvious at times that Carson finds it a bit endearing. His first impression of Brent was quite different, thinking the fire elemental was too standoffish to be around. However, over a cigarette as teens, Carson quickly put together that Brenton was just a sort of shy person in general. He’s not like the other members of the Montoya family at all (loud and confident), but Carson thinks that is one of his strengths. Once his growth spurt kicked in, Brent hoped to be seen in a more mature light by Carson, but to no avail. At the end of the day, the fire elemental will always be that shy teenager to Carson: a sheepish boy too afraid to make direct eye contact with him.


Raimundo Watts


A special case, Raimundo has always been this sort of enigma to Carson. Commonly found at Brenton’s side, Carson assumed that you could almost never see one without the other. In fact, Raimundo is just as awkward as his cousin. So much so that Carson finds it difficult to talk to him in a one on one environment at times. Regardless, he tries to find some common ground with him. Especially while the two of them were stuck together as dorm mates for a short time back during junior year. At the end of the day though, Carson knows Raimundo’s closed off nature isn’t his fault. With a father like his, he’s just glad that Raimundo manages to get out of bed every morning. Even though they aren’t close by any means, the lightning elemental still manages to come to Carson’s aid in the future when he most needs it.


Ranita Watts




Pandora Walia Peura

Friend, Future Sister-In-Law



Helena Xenakis

Friend, Previous Fling



Mischa Agapov




Duyi Hou

Friend of a Friend



Jee Baek-Hyun

Former Employer





Genetic Father, Creator



Rocco Yilmaz

"Older Half-Brother"



Samara Monroe

"Older Half-Sister"



Akita Minami

"Older Half-Sister"



Kyoko Ikeru

"Older Sister", Former Coworker



Larson Azura

"Younger Half-Brother"



Monica Soman

"Younger Half-Sister"












