Insectinct Island (Vampquito Species)



5 years, 10 months ago





Scientific NameAedes Sanguine
PowerCurses, Hexes, Enchantments
WeaknessFire, Bright Light, Electricity, Holy objects.


Vampquitos belong to the Magic power class, and are exceptionally good at creating curses, enchantments, and hexes using ancient spells, all of which require blood. Vampquitoes acquire this blood simply by using their proboscis to drain it from nearby creatures. The Vampquito is also capable of flight, floating through the air like a squid in water. The proboscis is able to lock into prey's skin, right into the bone, while the middle fang drains in blood.


Vampquitoes appear as white skinned creatures, with dark red eyes and wings. They have black claws at the end of each wing and legs that are more like writhing tentacles. They also grow black fur on their shoulder and back to keep them warm on cold nights. It ha two bumps on its head that almost look like pointed ears. Lastly it has a proboscis with three black teeth used to feast on blood.


Vampquitoes belong to the Specter social class and are often known for their elegance. They use this to their advantage, and often try to lure victims in for their blood. The species is relatively unknown to most emotibeasts due to most emotibeasts never escaping an encounter with a Vampquito alive. Even if you do manage to run, the Vampquito will surely cast a fatal curse onto your well being


The Vampquitoes can be considered the black mages of a Monarachorms' army. They were used in few numbers, as secret weapons as not to reveal their full potential to the enemy. Usually, a Vampquito would sneak onto enemy lines and pose as a traitor to the Monarachorm's army. It would ask to speak to the enemy leader in private, then eliminate them on the spot. If this fails the Vampquitoes would all gather to cast a major hex onto the best troops, and drastically lower the enemy's chance of survival


● Enchantments range from Shielding, Strengthening, and Agility, enchantments only work at night.

● Curses range from, Transformation, Mental Trauma, or in rare cases Death, the only way to break a Vampquito curse is to land a physical hit on the Vampquito.

● Hexes range from Bad luck, Ill Health, or Weakening, but at quite easy to overcome with easy treatments.

● Vampquitoes become all red when they are full of drained blood, it's usually these types of Vampquitoes who can pull off a Death curse

● Vampquitoes are rivals to the Mantodeads

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