Insectinct Island (Construbee Species)



5 years, 11 months ago





Scientific NameOperantes Apis
DietHoney, Wood
PowerHammer hands, Drillbit stinger


Construbees belong to the Bio power class and are know as living toolboxes. They have hammer like hands to both pound in objects flat, or use their back claws to tear out objects. Instead of a stinger, they have a drillbit tail that they use to drill in holes o that they can either store materials or screw two objects together.


Construbees are big and fluffy bees! They have a soft yellow mane around their yellow head that sports two black eyes, a pale yellow rectangular crest, and two thick black antennae it uses to coordinate with other construbees. Its wings resemble saws as well. It's has a thick fuzzy body that keeps it insulated as well as protected from bumping into small dangers like loose nails, splinters, and rusty metal. Like a bee it is known to have a black stripe across its body. Regular drone construbees can reach up to 4'10".


Construbees belong to the Feral social class and serves as a major working force for their fellow insectincts. Within Construbee ranks are "Boss Construbees" which will have a unique pattern on their crest to signify their importance. Its their job to coordinate the other bees into what they should make as a unit. Monarachorms heavily rely on them, and so do the magiflies. Just like regular bees their fur carries pollen with them to help promote floral growth which in turn helps polinate flowers that the magiflies can sip the nectar of. Monarachorms enjoy having flora in their kingdom, but they also love having construbees help create homes for the other insectincts. They are held in high regards by many.


Construbees are some of the first insectincts a monarachorm will try to produce along with destrucants. The two species are used in tandem for a cycle of clearing nearby areas and in turn making way for the construction of homes and habitats. The monarachorm uses construbees to create three large hive walls around her nest that act as infrastructure to connect all insectincts both to each other and to the monarachorm's nest as well. They are designated as the Hive Wall H, F, and S. 


● Sometimes Construbees will even build stuff for enemies, they're a very kind-natured breed of Insectinct and just like making things.

● Boss Construbees are usually female, and double the size of a regular construbee.

● Parts of the Construbee like the wings, stinger, and head, have metal, making them weak to electric attacks

● Most construbees also keep actual beehives near their quarters.

● Construbees can even build off an island to expand its land mass by making an artificial ground to become a part of it

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