Insectinct Island (Ambitide Species)



4 years, 5 months ago





Scientific NameIncerta Vermes
DietBlood and flesh, smaller bugs
PowerSoft body, Tumor touch
WeaknessEasily confused by its own uncertainty, Soft skin is not that durable


Possessing a truly upsetting morph power, the ambitide is both hurt and empowered with its treacherous ability. It's an epidemic in parasitic flesh. Upon any sort of physical contact, if only for a moment's time; changes will begin to occur rapidly. The soft, clear skin of the ambitide passes over cells that begin to rapidly multiply as long as contact is held. This often results in boiling sores bursting through the skin until the victim is thoroughly crushed from the pressure or entirely consumed in their own mutated flesh.


"Long" is the most accurate word to use when describing this emotibeast. From its serpentine body to it's elongated neck and tail, the only thing relatively short about ambitides is their patience. Thanks to the length of their bodies, ambitides reach great heights when standing on their hind legs; up to 7 feet tall at the shoulders. Donning pearls in the center of their chests, they share a resemblance to gemercuri. Their bodies are a lot like gel, not very firm but not entirely slime-like either. Their skin is shiny and translucent, covering the eye and aforementioned gem.


Having an affinity for water, the ambitide seems to have adapted well to oceanic settings. Due to its gel-like and soft body, it can withstand extreme pressure near the ocean's darker depths. The parasitic emotibeast however can't breathe air, so its time on land is very limited. Though they behave in feral means, rapidly going through the motions and snapping between poise and elegance to rabid and aggressive, they have well earned their eerie specter classing.


Much like the legendary adapticore; ambitides are the result of a once in a life time occurrence. Monarachorms can be quite aggressive, and their power definitely leaves something for every emotibeast to fear. The ability to take what once was a regular being and construe it into something for its own militant purpose is truly heinous; though it's unfortunately not an all too uncommon phenomenon. The monarachorm responsible for creating the ambitide was up against an opposing force, one it feared it could not defeat. In retaliation, it attacked the opponent's favorite soldier, and made it into something truly vile. A parasite in the flesh, twisted with a double-edged sword of an ability.


● Only one ambitide has ever been known to exist.

● Ambitides can switch between bipedal and quadrupedal movement with ease.

● While ambitides can handle cold temperatures, they much prefer tropical waters.

● Due to the thin layer of skin over the ambitide's eye, they don't see well. They rely on their antennae for most of their senses.

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