Insectinct Island (Voramite Species)



5 years, 11 months ago





Scientific NameCimex Devorator
DietAnything that moves
PowerLockjaw, Leech tongues, unhinged jaw.
WeaknessSoft Underbelly salt


Voramites belong to the Bio power class. They are seen as weak and a pest, but in reality can rival a lion or even a tiger. Voramites have very sharp teeth, and are known for easily eating through flesh and even hard materials like steel. Inside a Voramites mouth are 3 smaller leech like mouthes, that are all used to assist with eating as much as possible. Voramite mouthes can also lock in place to prevent them from being shook off, and they can unhinge their jaws so they can hang loose to devour larger prey.


Voramites are small dark blue/grey bugs. They have a short tail and and stubby round arms with one claw on each. They scuttle around on their little legs but can also curl into a ball to roll around. They have translucent chests that act as a window to their stomach allowing one to see the most recently digested food. On their back is a hard and thick blue shell.


Voramites value food above all else, even there own kin. The only thing they respect more their food is a Monorachorm. Voramites who get hungry enough, will resort to cannibalism, in fact it happens daily in their nests. they fall into the Feral social class, like most of the residents of the Insectinct Island.


Voramites are one of the offspring of a Monarachorm, They started in a small batch then started devouring everything they could find in their territory until the land was barren. Their Monarachorm asigned them to the Tunnels of the island to serve as punishment for any insectinct or beast that would defy her. Once something is dropped into their tunnel, swarms of them come rushing to devour the flesh.


● One good kick to a Voramite's belly will rupture its stomach, getting its gastric acid all over its insides, killing it instantly

● If not for their thick shell, Voramites would die from any damage to the back as well

● Voramites tend to curl up in a ball when they want to go somewhere quick

● The only thing Voramites wont eat, is salted food.

● Voramites always travel in a swarm, usually reaching up to 100 voramites

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