Ser Valence



5 years, 8 months ago


Ser Valence

521a84c54b6cc9ec237758e5d02a6a9a.png HP 80%

Attack 60%

Defense 100%

Speed 50%

Dexterity 50%

Intellect 60%

Charisma 75%

Luck 65%


(Ser) Bernard Valence
AliaSKnight Enchanter Valence, Protector of Cathal
Age 31
Gender Male
Race Human
OccupationKnight Enchanter, Guardsman
AlignmentLawful Good
Height 6'4"
Build Athletic
Demeanor Polite, Gentleman
Theme Iron Will
Value None [Over my dead body]

The Guardsmen are filled with dedicated soldiers who wish to continue the Golden Era to prosper in their home in Cathal. They spend hours surveying the streets, constantly learning of its citizens and helping the need. Despite their helpful hand, they become anxious and anticipating another war - the Guardsman will be the first in line at the front to protect their Kingdom.
But who knows when that day will be?

Without the leadership under the excellence of their best Guard Captain, for sure the Guardsman will dissipate into corruption - or at least Valence has been doing a good job preventing the inevitable as much as he could. Bernard Valence has taken the role as he wished to provide his loyalty he has towards the King and his Princess. The safety of the Kingdom is one of their utmost importance, thus Ser Valence thinks the same as well.

Despite being a model figure to every single citizen in the Kingdom, Ser Valence is viewed as someone who doesn't seem to openly socialize to the public. Ordinary citizens, nobles, and even knights often create rumors regarding Bernard's background. As outrageous as it may be... most of them aren't... wrong.

  • Chocolate cake and coffee
  • Mindlessly torturing his prisoners
    > And hearing them scream in agony.
  • Horses!
  • Keeping his shield shiny and polished
  • When someone discovers what he does for pleasure.
  • Carrot cake
  • Sleeping
  • When someone touches his shield
  • When his shield is scratched or scuffed
  • Being labeled as  "Royal Bastard" (see trivia)


Social Reserved

Empathetic Logical

Dishonest Sincere

Serious Trivial

Cautious Risky


Despite the rumors that wander around the Kingdom's citizens, he is still a popular figure solely for his kindness and his hard work as a Guard Captain. When it comes to having the support of the public, he's got it.

Has been raised to become an excellent Knight Enchanter. Not only he's superb in physical combat, he is equally as strong when it comes to wielding magic,

He is never separated from his shield. It is his strongest weapon and no one gets past his shield when he's on guard.

He'll do anything to give peace to those in distressed. Even if he has to lie about it.


Despite being popular among the citizens that he protects, it's hard to get very close to him on a personal level. He's very distant, even with his kind demeanor. Even if an individual is rather close to him, he's hard to open up.

Sometimes... he doesn't understand his own limit when it comes to hurting an individual... 

He's not necessarily a liar, but he hides how he truly feels and his actual perspective is different with how he acts.

Skills & Abilities

The Shield of Cathal
When Valence is out at war outside of the Kingdom, he has an alias among the soldiers known as "the Shield of Cathal." With just one single shield, he is capable of fending off hundreds (or even a thousand) of enemies and not even one would be able to get past him.

The shield he wields is the most important item to him and he rarely parts with it. With magic imbued into the metal alongside with his powerful magical techniques, he summons a barriers that reaches miles long and high, enough to fend off assaults with just one single body (and his shield). Bernard is a ridiculously powerful Knight Enchanter if he has his shield.

Knight Enchanter
Bernard has been raised as a Knight Enchanter since he was taken in by the Royal Family. Knight Enchanters are not like regular knights - in which the ordinary practice and wield a regular blade and excel at physical combat.

Knight Enchanters not only do the same, but they're well on their way mastering the physical blade all while they do the same with magic. Most of their magic involves conjuring the weapons they summon and wielding it, but they also must understand the way magic works and how they can withstand its power. Most mages prefer fighting at a distance, while Knight Enchanters prefer to be up close and personal. As a Knight Enchanter, they are rarely seen holding a physical weapon in hand, instead they summon their blades to fight.

Golden Eyes; The Royal bastard 
Because of his past, he has almost always kept his eyes closed. But when he opens them, many citizens are ecstatic to see a familiar set of golden eyes. Ser Valence's ancestors have been once part of the well known bloodline but they were forgotten and most often these outsiders were to be known as "Royal Bastards" and has proven to be rather unpopular to the public.

But nonetheless, Valence's ancestors have been connected to them in a way and Bernard has very little of the Royal Blood... but enough of the blood for his body to be gifted with SOME powerful abilities that only the Royal Family could have.


  • Ser Valence (Surveillance) pretty much describes what he does on a daily basis.
    > He rarely sleeps and likely wandering around the city surveying the streets.
    > Usually with two other guards or by himself on horseback.
  • Captain of the Guard also gives him the title as Investigator, out of choice.
    > His home is one of the towers outside of the castle. It also houses temporary prisoners that would be undergoing interrogation before being sent off to the underground or exiled.
    > Uses this opportunity to satiate and pleasure himself as a way to treat his sadistic nature.
  • He is a well known Knight Enchanter; they are known for their physical and magical prowess.
    > Valence is most known for his powerful defensive abilities. He casts barriers that are almost impenetrable but he relies on his shield that have has the strongest defense.
    > As for his shield, the more powerful the spell, the wider the barrier appears from the magic imbued from his shield.
    > Saurin relies heavily on Knight-Enchanters (especially Bernard) to help prevent any casualties among allies or citizens as his magic can be destructive (ex. Rain of Blades spell could possibly kill hundreds of innocent lives if unprotected).
  • Bernard is considered a mage, but not as prominent nor powerful as the everyday mages in the kingdom.
    > Only because he doesn't spend much time dedicating himself to practicing spells and the efficiency of his magic abilities. A lack of practice hinder him from casting any other spells.
    > Can still cast very weak spells such as producing fire.
  • Chocolate cake is his favorite kind of cake - and always has a slice of it everyday.
  • Don't touch his shield.
    > His shield is imbued with magic and will damage those that is not a Knight Enchanter or a mage.
    > Handed down by several generations of Knight Enchanters leaders.
  • Bernard is very reserved and often doesn't go out making friends with others. He prefers to be at his office whenever he's not surveying or he's settled in the castle as a bodyguard to the Royal family.
  • His eyes rarely opens
    > Will open his eyes when he's shocked or upset
    > Also opens his eyes when he becomes sadistic or angry
  • If people ask him too many questions, he starts feeling nervous and becomes really distant.
    > Due to the consideration that he doesn't want others to know who he truly is.
    > He doesn't want his true nature to break out and doesn't want others to break the illusion of how he wants others to perceive him.
  • His ancestors actually lead to the direct bloodline of the Royal family of Cathal. However after a certain point, a portion of the family branches out to a point where their existence has lost importance and irrelevance.
    > Even in the huge family tree that's been on record for centuries, Valence, his family, and the generations before are not part of the tree. However, they still have the golden eyes as proof.
    > Despite being treated well by the main royal family, other inhabitants of the Kingdom label these particular group of people as "Royal Bastards" and are often looked down upon. Because for years, the Royal Bastards often take advantage of their eyes to live luxuriously.
  • Ser Valence keeps his eyes closed to prevent others to see the colors of his eyes and takes the "Royal Bastard" identity rather sensitively.
    > The last thing he wants others to assume is that he used his eyes to receive the title of Knight Enchanter leader or Guardsman Captain.



Bernard has lived comfortably in the near border of Cathal, settled along the upper-middle class portion of the area. And because of how his father and his children are born with golden eyes (a symbol that signifies that they're related to the Royal Family), his parents take advantage to it and lived lavishly for years. Neither parent of his really worked hard to get what they wanted and it often upset the people around them.

However he struggled growing up without being looked down upon by others. Especially at a young age, he was constantly remarked as a "Royal Bastard" and found himself never making friends. It wasn't until he befriended a young, inexperienced guardsman that ventured around his portion of the Kingdom... or at least he thought they were friends at first. He didn't expect the knight to take advantage of Valence's eyes just to get what he wanted for years. And Bernard, too blinded by the happiness of having one friend, he didn't realize his friend's intentions until the King of Cathal himself has visited him because of his misguided mistakes that his friend brought him to.

The King had snapped him to reality, now Bernard realizes the situation of his eyes. Since then he often tried to keep his eyes closed as often as possible. Now it's become something normal for Valence and no one around him seems to have treated him completely differently than he had been when he was younger.
At first, he was thoroughly attracted to the idea of becoming a Guardsman. Not thinking about his past, but more so the dedication to the King himself as a way of saying thanks. While being in the process of voluntarily drafting into the Guardsman section, he and his superiors discovered that Bernard was born with magical prowess and immediately turned him over to the Knight Enchanter's Guild.

The Knight Enchanter guild was much more strict when it came to training. Bernard spent hours every single day dedicated to drill training; practicing combat and different fighting techniques, but also learning spells that Knight Enchanters specialized in. Aside from the physical drills, but he also had to constantly practice the endurance and stamina of his magical abilities. After years of training, he was finally able to show off what he trained for to venture outside of Cathal to accompany his squad and defend neighboring cities or small homes that swore loyalty to their Kingdom they represented; but cannot live in Cathal themselves.
A lot of the work was surveying the area and seeing any source of threat around the land. Bernard, somewhat disappointed with the work he was being put in. Thankfully enough, his squad felt the same and decided they would venture further into neutral (but unknown territory) and found themselves immediately ambushed by miscreants and rogue mages that outnumbered and overwhelmed his team. Thinking that Bernard could fend off and protect his group with his blade, he failed to protect his beloved superior - a Knight Enchanter captain - and he died by an arrow wound. Even if Bernard was able to drag his body out of the area, his captain didn't survive and died from the casualties during the journey to somewhere safe. Bernard was the only living member from the team, though he was physically incapable of fighting for a whole month.

Since that event, Valence found himself struggling to continue his title as a Knight Enchanter and several times he found himself leaving the Guild. But the King, who had occasionally came to visit young Bernard out of curiosity, had influenced him to go back to continue.
Bernard worked hard enough to lead his own group of men and inspired enough of his men to go the area that he lost his previous squad to seek revenge of his fallen allies. Perhaps Valence took it rather seriously and he started to develop these sadistic mannerisms that he used to torture the bandits that killed his first team. Soon enough, he brought more Knight Enchanters along with a couple cartographers and researchers to venture off into the unknown territory. At this point he no longer preferred to wield the blade like a warrior. He found his calling as picking up the shield; defending every single person possible during the journey. He singlehandedly fended off raids with just his shield and magic and everyone who took part into the travel made it back unscathed under Valence's protection.

King Vadim soon recognized his series of successes and immediately announced him as the next Guard Captain that will soon replace the former when they retire. As soon as he took control over the renown city guard, he's been a popular figure among all.

Cathal: the Golden Era

Ser Valence has only been Guard Captain for only a few years. Despite just learning to become a capable leader, he is still a young and a very likable figure among many. And so far, there had been no complaints by anyone nor his superiors around him.

However, just being recognized as a Guard Captain and successful Knight Enchanter, the King has specifically requested him at times to partake as one of the Royal Guardsman in order to accompany anyone who was part of the Royal Family that decided to venture outside of the castle. Often times, he would be hired to accompany the King's only child, Princess Elabelle.

Ser Valence, again, isn't very good at making friends... or he just didn't seem interested. And this would have been the first time that he's met the Princess. But overtime, because of her upbeat personality would lead to her rash decisions, he (along with her two other companions) would often be caught up into trouble and all of them would figure out how to get themselves out of particular situations. Most of the time, Bernard would often leave himself out of habit just to fend off any threat that could hurt her.

Eventually, with the amount of unpredictable events they'd get into, Ser Valence sees the Princess... not as a royal member of the family anymore. He sees her as an irreplaceable friend that he would be glad to put his shield up for. Because of her, Valence is much more dedicated to making the city safer and peaceful for their future.

The great Litarian adventure

Ser Valence, now coming from being a Captain for very few years... becomes a valiant, renown, and powerful figure. He is titled "Protector of Cathal" by Elabelle, who has successfully taken her father's throne to become an excellent Queen. Soon after, the title would be recognized by many. 

Because of Elabelle's busy schedule and tending to her political duties (which has been unfortunate, as these types of jobs aren't something she could evade), she has little time to have her own personal time. Even after the birth of their first child, Allegretto, she could not leave her duties as a queen and often leaves the caretaking to her loyal servants. Especially when he's gotten older and capable of wandering around - Valence felt obligated to watch over him. Time passed by rather quickly, and Allegro has grown into a rather brilliant young man... who seemed too interested in the Guard Captain. Uncomfortable at first, he often rejects Prince Allegro's intentions every single time, but Bernard never claimed that he hated him and allows him to continue - no matter how many times he says no.

But at the one day where Allegretto was assassinated... something in Ser Valence broke. He felt lost in a sense, and most of his actual emotions would have disappeared. Especially after the first few days after his death, he excused himself from his duties and handed it off to someone else, which had been a surprise to everyone. His sadistic nature would now be apparent to those around him, and he searches the city endlessly to find anyone that would be involved with the assassination. His interrogations are relentless and scary and many that knew him would now become distant since then. Though, not Elabelle and her two beloved friends, they had been the only escape he has from what reality has treated him.

With Elabelle's emotional support, he finally came back to continue his usual duties. When he found out that the Queen's youngest child has been wandering around the Kingdom. He uses his power to make sure the young boy is safe... as long as he's in the Kingdom, of course.




[ Friend ]

Elabelle was a young woman when he first met her; a tomboyish princess that wishes to become independent and always eager to go on an adventure or to fight. And that character of her often worries Ser Valence and together with two other companions, they'll stumble upon unpredictable moments. Most of the time they'd have to fight their way out to safety.

Overtime Elabelle becomes a valuable friend. Bernard no longer sees Elabelle as just a Princess that needs to be protected.



[ Someone He Misses Greatly ]

Allegretto is an excellent Prince and for sure would have had a bright future ahead of him. If it weren't for those events... Allegro would have become an excellent King. And for sure one day he would have been able to return the Prince's feelings... but it was already too late. The thought of him saddens Valence and everyday he hopes he'll see him soon through death. ...Or at least not until he finds the one that killed him.



[ Friend ]

Saurin are those typical kind of people that Ser Valence doesn't seem to like very much. But his title and powerful magical prowess would just mean it's inevitable that they would meet eventually. Especially as one of the Princess's companions, Bernard finds himself conversing with the mage several times. He respects him nowadays solely because of the years they spent together and the days they fought together.



[ Friend ]

Ser Valence prefers the company of Siegfried over Saurin anytime. Though he can't understand how he can be so authentically nice to everyone he talks to - even as a general who can slay hundreds with a single blade. Bernard often tests his purity whenever they're alone, but it seems like every time he's done so, the Guard Captain would be caught off guard with his responses and actions.


King Vadim

[ His King ]

Ser Valence has known him since he was a young boy and is grateful for what he's done... even if it was just very little things. Bernard understands that the King appeared solely because of his curiosity of his golden eyes, but he was glad that he came to him nonetheless. If it weren't for him, for sure Valence would have suffered in the hands of being sent to prison thanks to the one Guardsman that he befriended in the past.