


5 years, 5 months ago


Current Name- Redcreek

Past Names- Redkit, Redpaw

Gender- Male

Sexuality- Pansexual

Mother- Sapphireheart

Father- Cedarfrost

Mate- Sunsplash

Kits- None

Rank- Medicine Cat Apprentice

Past Ranks- Kit, Apprentice, Warrior

Clan- RiverClan

Past Clans- ShadowClan

Personality- Redcreek is quite joyful and optimistic. He enjoys spending his time with others and makes friends easily. He enjoys helping others and wants what's best for everyone. He is selfless, but can be naive and gets taken advantage of easily. He's very innocent and doesn't do well in fighting and has a hard time killing when hunting.


• In ShadowClan, Redcreek felt excluded and left out.

• Redcreek leaves to join RiverClan shortly after he becomes a warrior due to him falling in love with a tom in RiverClan named Sunsplash.

• Redcreek and his father, Cedar meet up several times to catch up as father and son.

• Redcreek and Firefly are the only cats in Cedar's first batch of kits to never have any grudge against him.

• Redcreek begins to train as a medicine cat after deciding he disliked fighting and hurting other cats.

• Redcreek is mentored by Juniperpool, Troutstar's daughter. He eventually finds out she had feelings for his father at one point.

• Although Medicine cats are not allowed to have mates, Troutstar allowed Redcreek to have Sunsplash as a mate since they could not produce kits and were "too cute together." :)

• Redcreek dies early in a foxtrap, leaving Cedar devastated.