Hymn Moon



5 years, 6 months ago



Hymn, from first impressions, seems like a jerk. She'll insult people she hates, argue with them, and even fight them if necessary. All of this has a reason, however. Underneath that harsh exterior is a girl who yearns for peace. Once a sweet child, Hymn seeks the end of a regime that's killed the weak and benefited the strong. With a group of others, she's stoked the flames of rebellion. Those before her have failed, but it seems like Hymn might have a chance. With the help of her allies, both familiar and from unlikely places, Hymn seeks to change Riavelon for the better. The emperor will fall.

  • Confident
  • Acerbic
  • Intuitive
  • Extreme
  • Writing
  • Debating
  • Sunbathing
  • Dresses

Hymn was born to Nidhogg and an unknown saeol. She never knew who her other parent was, but it wasn't important to her at the time. All she knew was that the two couldn't be live near each other (whatever that meant.) She took this to mean that her other parent abandoned the family and that Nidhogg did not want to associate with them anymore. Thus, she headed to her father's home to live: Laithe, Riavelon. It was here that she learned that life wouldn't be easy. Living in a farming community, the nobility expected high production. Her father and her were expected to work day and night. They got paid meagerly for what they done, but it was the only way to make a living.

As an 18 year old, her life was about to change again. Suddenly, soldiers stormed into her village. They accused Nidhogg of sending illegal letters to the country of Ang. To her, Hymn thought this was a baseless accusation, never seeing her father write such messages. Despite her begging, they treated her words like silence and killed him with lightning. On that day, she watched them drag her father's body away, powerless to stop them. With that done, the rage she felt over the years threatened to boil over.

It took her several years to get over her loss. At the age of 22, after honing her magical abilities, she made a decision: she was going to get revenge. Everyone who'd suffered under the emperor's reign would finally see the light as Hymn prepared for her adventure. As she headed to a village named Hugli, there she encountered her first allies: Nyx and Vaero. Nyx happened to be a mercenary making a stop in their travels, and Vaero was one of the villagers. They agreed to help Hymn, unlike the other villagers. At night, soldiers raided Hugli in attempt to garner information about a man named Sigurd's whereabouts. There, Lorelei and Noelle made their debut, and together, they stopped the invasion. A soldier named Eno joined their party after Noelle's torture, and together, they headed off. They would soon be known as the Freedom Fighters.

In the deserts outside of Hugli, they encountered a band of soldiers also looking for Sigurd. With them, several beasts accompanied them. Hymn's magic proved useful as she eradicated as many of them as she could. The team also recruited Adalia Rivers, the younger sister of esteemed general Indessa Rivers. After that, they discovered in the middle of the place, a hole led deep into a cave. It teemed with monsters, but Hymn's magic once again eradicated most of them. Venturing deeper in the cave, Hymn discovered a small settlement underground. Unfortunately, due to the rapids, she failed to save a villager by the name of Eris' life. However, due to saving the settlement, she and her cohorts were allowed to rest for the night. With them came the gun merchant and augmenter Maya. Before the sun rose, Nyx noticed Hymn sleeping on some rocks. They convinced her that she should get enough sleep like the rest of the party, and that they would offer their bed as rest. Hymn immediately took this offer to Nyx's surprise. Soon, they set off to throw Eris' ashes into a nearby river, and there, they met Kriemhilt. She happened to be Sigurd's eyes and accompanied the party to their next location: Shivir #23.

Shivir #23 was a labor camp that overworked those trapped inside. There, they encountered the famed man Sigurd and took down Yashi, the camp's leader. There, he announced to the party that nearby was a refuge he made. The party traveled there with the camp's former inhabitants. There, they saw a familiar mage who ran off from the Hugli invasion. Some thieves accompanied them as well as some eyes. Hymn successfully fought off their enemies. There, Kriemhilt formally joined the party and Sigurd stayed back to watch over the refuge. There, they made their way through a canyon leading to Fort Ares. Hymn took notice of the interesting murals that lined the place's walls. She then decided that she would try to embody one of the crusaders.

At Fort Ares, she listened to the others' plans about how to break inside. Noelle and Kriemhilt devised a plan on breaking through the windows using heat and ice. They fumbled up the plan, not getting inside quietly, but they handled their enemies well. However, Hymn heard a woman yelling in one of the rooms. With a few others, she stormed inside and freed the woman. The woman introduced herself as Aenir Altruis, and Hymn thought she looked gorgeous. Besides that, though, she listened to her freaking out about her sister, Pride, at the shrine they lived at. With the others of the party, Hymn chose to pursue the soldiers at the Tempest Shrine. To her, losing a family member hit close, and she wanted to save Aenir from that fate if she could. Instead of failing like they did with Eris, they would rescue Pride no matter the cost.

Through the difficult sandstorm outside the shrine, the Freedom Fighters faced off against some stragglers and beasts that acted in unnerving ways. Hymn pressured herself to much and fell to the hit of a beast. However, thanks to luck, Lorelei was able to resuscitate her and heal up her broken bones. The pressure of the journey began to get to her, and for a bit, she reverted to her old, fearful self. Nyx, however, comforted her, reassuring her that they would rescue Pride. With that said, Hymn once more felt confident. The Freedom Fighters could not run away no matter what. Hymn needed to stay strong for Aenir, too, not wanting to dispirit the woman who she promised to help.

As they headed down to the shrine, Hymn heard a scream, and her heart sunk. The Freedom Fighters might have arrived too late. As they got on level footing, she supported Lorelei who rushed through their foes. When she entered the center, the saeol found herself in pitch-black darkness, hearing a voice. Hymn followed her inside once she called out to her allies. She headed forward, and a pair of soldiers stopped the group. They lit up torches, and there stood General Indessa Rivers herself, her foot on the neck of Pride. She threatened to kill her if the party did not back down. Hymn, deep inside, wished to back down, if only it meant her keeping her life. However, at the back end, the general would take Aenir and Adalia in return. She did not know why she would need Aenir after killing Pride, but it made her uncomfortable. However, she kept strong as her allies discussed among themselves. Finally, they chose the riskiest option of all: Killing Indessa with a bullet. However, as Hymn stood, she watched Indessa dodge the bullet with ease, and she heard a large crack. Her heart sunk, knowing that now, they failed to rescue Aenir's sister. She wondered if Aenir would despise her after this, but now that the general had ordered her men to attack, she chose to bust through. Perhaps, she could heal Pride's neck! Unfortunately, she had not entirely thought things through, and Indessa knocked her out. Once she resurfaced, her allies had eliminated all the general's guards. Hymn healed Noelle back to consciousness. Then, she watched as she practically beat the soul out of the general. Though she escaped, this was considered a victory for the Freedom Fighters. They kept Adalia, Aenir, and most important of all, the circlet Moon safe from the empire. Hymn, then, decided to head back to all the towns they came to on their journey. She desperately needed more people in the Freedom Fighters, for now, with Moon in their possession, they would be seen as a large threat.

Hymn comforted Aenir as she sobbed, knowing that she failed her. Eris and Pride were two people she failed to save. How many more would fall?

  • She knows sign language!
  • Her favorite color is blue!
  • Hymn is a bit of a night-owl.
  • When she's furious, she tends to gnash her teeth.
  • She's based on a demoiselle crane!
  • When she's not writing, one will see her training her light magic.

Aenir Altruis Moon

friend, girlfriend, wife
When Hymn rescued her from her prison, she did not know the path she would be now be dragged into. Aenir, seeing Hymn as her savior, begged her to head to the Tempest Shrine with the rest of the Freedom Fighters. Hymn found her pretty but rather loud, but discovering the fervor she had for her craft, she recognized her talents. As time passed, Hymn's love for Aenir only grew. With their shared adoration for one another, it was no wonder they married after the rebellion.


Nidhogg Moon

Hymn respects her father a lot. Despite the problems, he always did his best work. The two communicated through sign language due to Nidhogg being deaf. She'd do her best to communicate what others said back to him. If she could have anything in the world, it would be his revival. No matter what, he protected Hymn, up until his very demise.


Sivrit Volsung

friend, rival
Sivrit comes across as the classic hero from mythological stories. Hymn despises how relaxed she can be in even the most stressful in situations. What unites them is their shared values. The two are close comrades on the battlefield, Sivrit being a master of the sword and Hymn with a strong grasp on magic.


Vaero Baker

Despite being a drawn-in woman, Vaero's willingness to join the power amazed Hymn. As she improvised her dances, her success too puts Hymn in awe. Because of that, when she chose to leave, Hymn respected her for it. She had done enough for the party, having learned skills she never would have otherwise. She will miss her baked goods, however.

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