Sivrit Volsung



3 years, 5 months ago



Sivrit is Sirius' mom and a shapeshifter. She wields the blade Gram, powerful enough to slay gods. Sigi, the Crusader of Valor, is her ancestor and helped saved the world from the Age of Darkness. No matter what, she wishes to embody them. However, their image nowadays brings up a different interpretation. The same person who slew the villainous Lodur murdered Ignis, the former ruler of the land of Riavelon. To combat this reputation, she takes on the form of the famed Sigurd, a vigilante of Riavelon. He exists to hide her true identity. The Sivrit everyone knows would help the needy whenever she could, but in the past, she differed. Her allies may never know what hides under that cheery grin of hers.

  • Charismatic
  • Argumentative
  • Adventurous
  • Disrespectful
  • Sparring
  • Sleeping
  • Weapons
  • Bonewolves

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  • She is heavily inspired by Sigurd from the Saga of the Volsungs
  • Not much of a gourmet, she's built up a fondness of fish from her time at sea
  • Sigurd's hairstyle was inspired by Regan
  • Her mole under her right eye will pass down to any children she has
  • When she used to live with Regan, she had a pet bonewolf named Grani

Sigmundr and Hjordis Volsung

Sivrit did not know her parents very well. Regan told her that Hjordis had come to him as beasts were trailing her. Together, they fought off the monsters, but Sigmundr died during the battle due to his wounds. Because of him, Hjordis escaped. With her, she held some fragments of the beasts they battled. She did not live long, as soon, she died of heartbreak. Even now, Sivrit wonders how her parents were like at their prime. Their deaths made her swear to kill every beast she came across, even if it meant her life.



adoptive father
Regan said he was the son of a blacksmith who died a long time ago. Sivrit was ready to follow in his footsteps as a blacksmith. She watched him day and night work on his craft, entranced and curious. Now and then, she would ask about his history. Always, he would reply with a different story. One was about him slaying many beasts by himself. Another was about how he once served Queen Iferclu as her assistant. He knew about the types of fish swimming on the coast and animals living in the pine-wood forests. A polyglot as well, he knew Saeolish, Norsian, Neegavian, and even Amouferian. He taught her Neegavian when she was young so she could speak with more people. One day, however, their town was assaulted by Queen Iferclu's soldiers. Regan did his best to protect Sivrit, who was now a young adult. She wielded the blade Gram and fought them off, but sadly, Regan died. To her surprise, he had exploded into fragments. Holding several of them, she ran off, shaking off her chasers. That day changed her view on beasts forever.


Kriemhilt Nibelung

girlfriend, wife
Sivrit first met Kriemhilt while on the run from angry villagers. Unlike how she tells the story to others, Sivrit was the one in need. Kriemhilt swooped down, in need of a meal. Successfully convincing Kriemhilt to help her, Sivrit protected her as she defended themselves from their pursuers. Eventually, they gave up and ran off. After that event, the two stuck together. She watched Kriemhilt with glee as she would explain various types of plants to her. Her enthusiasm was infectious. In turn, Sivrit would talk about her life with Regan. One day, the question of her sword came up, and Sivrit explained that she was a descendant of the disgraced crusader Sigi. Unexpectedly, Kriemhilt held more awe for her that day.

One day, after much changing of forms and running away, the pair had no choice but to escape by sea. They hunted for food, made a makeshift boat, and soon set off. A treacherous journey, it looked like this adventure would end in tragedy, but a swarm of imugyeoh came to their rescue. Their leader was a woman named Myriah, and with the imugyeohs' help, they made it to Riavelon's shore. In a tumultuous time, Kriemhilt and Sivrit had fallen in love, and the imugyeoh helped them in their marriage. However, seeing the disaster-torn land, Sivrit elected to take a new guise and help those in need. Kriemhilt respected her choice yet was saddened by the fact that she could not come with her. Sivrit offered to Kriemhilt that she could serve as her eyes and become a traveler, telling her about what places needed the most help. Together, they became an unstoppable pair.



As their child, Sirius has a lot to live up to. Sivrit tries her best to be a role model for them to varying degrees of success. Often, as a young child, they would beg her to tell them tales of their exploits. She would often spice up the stories with some embellishments, but much of the content was true. Because of this, Sirius would often pretend to act like her, picking up whatever stick was nearby and acting like their mom. Sivrit found it to be adorable. Unfortunately, for Sirius, they would have to learn the darker aspects of her stories. For now, however, the two have a close relationship.


Hymn Moon

ally, rival
Hymn first knew Sivrit by her other form, Sigurd. The swordsman found the rebel interesting, seeing the passion she had for her goals. However, he would not guess that the two were more similar than they thought. Both had a habit of beginning arguments with others and adoring debates, but Hymn seemed less than awed by Sigurd's childishness. She saw herself as his rival, but Sigurd saw her as an important ally. As the week passed, he soon learned that her goal would grow to become dismounting the entire structure of Riavelon. Knowing this, he pledged his loyalty to her and revealed his true identity. Now, Sivrit and Hymn work together to take down the Empire.

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