


5 years, 6 months ago


Positive traits: Optimistic, Loyal, Quick-Witted

Neutral traits: Day-dreamer, energetic, curious

Negative traits: Clumsy, Well-meaning, naive


Lucky was born in the woods. A small almost fairy tale woods, near the coast, so that you could feel the ocean breeze blowing through the trees. These woods were perfect, that’s what Lucky thought anyway. He  loved running out of the small gray cave, crowded with his brothers and sisters and racing them around in the ocean air. It was indeed a small  cave, maybe not from an empty view, but it was home. Lucky was the biggest of his siblings, despite being born last.
One  day, Lucky took a walk out by the stream. He followed the green and  brown sparkling trail he always did on these days, pawing the moss and  branches out of his path. Lucky loved doing this, it was calming,  especially on days where it had rained the day before. The glitter of  the blue, gurgling water was mystical to Lucky. Everything in the woods  shimmered with life. The dew shimmered off rocks and leaves dripping  only occasionally into the slow flowing river. Which was why Lucky was too entranced to notice when his paw slipped off the rock he was walking  on. Lucky fell into the river. Lucky knew how to swim fine, he had been  taught when he was little by his father, but Lucky couldn’t swim here.  He was in shock, from the impact to the freezing temperatures of the  stream, Lucky could think but he couldn’t move. The next thing Lucky  knew; he was sleeping on a cloud. He wasn’t dead, he knew that, but he  was somewhere in-between life and death. Lucky assumed he was dreaming.  He wasn’t cold or wet, and as he stood up and looked around the  dreamland, there was nothing for as far as he could see. But he could  hear something. A voice maybe? It was louder now. A voice that sounded  as if a breeze was blowing through a grove of willows, soft and  comforting. Lucky knew the voice wasn’t saying anything but he could  feel the words in him, radiant and prominent, ringing in his brain. It  told him he was special, but not in a mortal way. A way that connected  him to the world he was standing in. The world of spirits, which he  could talk and bond to. The voice got lower, fading back into absolute  silence, as it whispered into his soul. Lucky knew these words made him  different, important even. And as the voice dissipated entirely, so did  the surroundings. Lucky closed his eyes, and gave up trying to hold on.
Lucky  felt as sigh of air, and maybe the remanent of water, exhale out of  his nose. He opened his eyes slowly. He was laying on his side, covered  in the mud and soil from the shore of the stream that he’d washed up on.  Lucky coughed and hobbled up. His front paw has sprained, most  definitely, but he didn’t seem to be scratched or hurt in any other way.  He moved towards the cave, where he knew his family could surround him  with care, and maybe some food, he was getting a little hungry. While  limping back to the den, Lucky came across a strange item, it seemed  like trash at first, but as he sniffed it more, he realized it was a  cloth, a strange colored garment almost. Lucky picked it up in his  teeth, and using his jaw and other paw wrapped the cloth around his  sprained paw. This made walking slightly easier. When he got back to the  cave, most of his family was gone. His mother and his sisters sat  curled up. Trinity and Meadow tried comforting their mother, who was in  hysterics about Lucky’s disappearance.  Lucky yelped outside the den, in  a cry of comfort and help. His mother jolted up, running towards him,  still crying as she picked him up and placed him in the den. She took  off the cloth and tossed it away, barking at Trinity to fetch herbs.  Lucky crawled over to the tossed off cloth and tied it around his neck.  After his healing, in which he was treated greatly (Lucky enjoyed seeing  his mother fuss over everything, even if Lucky insisted the moss he was  laying on was fine), Lucky went back to the river with his bandanna. He  now wore it every day. He laid down in the soft dirt, not soggy like  the day of his accident, (which is what his parents called it, “the  accident”, they’d never go farther than that) and relaxed. Lucky felt  calm, as the remanence of the soothing voice rung in his brain.  His  bandanna glowed with light, and Lucky never went back to the river  again. 

Characer (c): Forteycat
