


5 years, 6 months ago


YO WHAT UP same deal I'm keeping this character's story the same but all the stuff below is from the previous owner


Name (current): Stormflower

Nickname(s): Storm

Birth name: Stormkit

Name (kit): Stormkit

Name (apprentice): Stormpaw
Name (warrior/Medicine cat): Stormflower
Name (elder): N/A
Name (starclan): N/A

Physical traits:

Gender: Female

Species: Cat

Height: Average

Weight: Average

Build: Stocky, broad-shouldered

Scars: None

Color palate: White, grey

eye color: Green

Accessories: None

Birthplace: Shadowclan nursery (Old Forest)

Rank, and relationships:

Current occupation: Deputy

Mentor: Redpine

Apprentice: Sugar Drop, Falconpaw

Mother: Ivyclaw

Father: Darkspots

Siblings: Mallowheart (sister)

Mate: Crookedfall

Kits: N/A


Positive traits: Confident, Cheerful, Clean

Neutral traits:  Business-like, Conservative, Formal

Negative traits: Slightly Paranoid, Cautious, Faithless




As  a kit, the pine forest where Shadowclan lived had caught fire during  leafbare, spreading quickly as all of the dry leaves and bark were  highly flammable, with no snow to slow it. Miraculously, it did not  destroy everything in their camp, but many starved to death afterward.  This left her with nightmares of fire and made her a little paranoid,  but she was a sweet cat who always strives to do the right thing. As an  apprentice, she got closer to a tom Crookedpaw. She was attracted to his  cheerful, jokish personality, and was able to see through his  disability unlike so many others. Even though he couldn't go hunting or  on patrols, Stormpaw would take him outside camp for fresh air and a  break from attending kits. She would help him when he needed it, though  she let him walk on his own unlike many others who would try to carry  him or lean on him for support. He was grateful that she treated him  like a normal, cat, and they fell in love. He helped with her anxiety of  fire, and she helped him with his anxiety of walking. They soon fell in  love, and just after they became warriors he asked her to be his mate  and Stormflower accepted. Stormflower was given her first apprentice,  Sugar Drop, a kittypet who had recently joined Shadowclan. Stormflower  taught her how to fight and hunt, even though she was older by a little.  They became fast friends, as Sugar Drop's kind and sweet personality  was very attractive. The deputy, which happened to be Stormflower's  father, decided to retire. Vixenstar named her deputy, to no one's  surprise but her own. It seemed as though she was born for the role,  with her father giving her only a few pointers throughout her career as  deputy. Only a few months later, she found herself pregnant, to the  surprise of many. Until she could no longer participate in them,  Stormflower directed patrols from the nursery.

This is the current moment she is in.

Characer (c): Forteycat
