Farrah Mehira



5 years, 4 months ago


Farrah Mehira
Age 17
Height 6'7" ft
Build Skinny
Species Xynthii
Gender Female
Orientation Homosexual
Pronouns She/Her
Occupation Student
Location Xygoroth
Creator Guppie-vibes
Worth $36
Design Notes

  • Admin Only/Legendary: Cut-out Body Parts
  • Legendary: Gem Encrusts
  • Very Rare: Mixed Teeth Material
  • Very Rare: Wings
  • Rare: White Sclera
  • Rare: Tongue Lengths
  • Rare: 2 Iris Color
  • Rare: Human Skin Tone
  • Uncommon: Downward Ears
  • Uncommon: Demon Horns

Farrah is a very laid back person. She's quick to make friends with someone. She can even be compared to a stereotypical surfer dude. Despite her calm personality, she is quite the trill seeker. She loves to have fun all the way from sports to carnival rides. She gets bored easily, which is why you would find her skipping class 80% of the time.


  • She has an old beat up skateboard that she might be too attatched to.
  • She definitely knows how to play the guitar.
  • She skips classes often, but still finds herself miraculously passing.

Farrah grew up in a shitty neighborhood where violence and theft was common. As much as her parents didn't want her to have that sort of living situation, they just couldn't afford anything more. She did do a good job avoiding conflict by avoiding most people in her neighborhood in general, but she couldn't do that for long. Being generally nice and helping people out does keep her out of trouble as long as she isn't nosing into people's business. Though honestly, her mother is definitely an intimidating Xynthii.

She had many friends in the neighborhood she grew up in, a boy named Robin being the most notable. They were able to play as kids very often because of how close their houses were to each other. Robin was actually the one to give Farrah the skateboard she has to this day. It's all because Robin couldn't skate for shit. He might have been a little envious of how quickly Farra was able to get used to skating.

Around Farrah's early teens, she started to look for part-time work to help out around the apartment. She knew that her parents weren't making much and she wanted to contribute to the family income. At first, she definitely did have to lie about her age just so she could get a minimum wage job in customer service, but it's good enough to help. She may or may not also wanted to buy some weed but You Don't Know That.