
5 years, 5 months ago



Dina Moss








4’3” ft








Greenhouse Employee


Delta Clan



Dina is a Delta Floss who currently works at a greenhouse that specializes in nurturing herbal and medicinal tea leaves. Though most Floss don’t drink tea that often, as they’d typically require sweets and/or salty snacks for consumption instead, some of the teas that exist out there can do miracles.

Some of the tea leaf plants that Dina looks after are studied by both the Mu Clan and Zeta Clan alike due to their strong healing properties.


Dina is a gentle and soft young woman who speaks with a lisp and a stutter. For as long as she can remember, she’s always spoken with an occasional lisp and stutter. She never really outgrew those habits like most of her teachers and her parents had expected.

She’s quite shy, modest, timid, and socially awkward (she’s sometimes better at talking to plants than other Floss).

The way that she carries herself screams that she’s a nervous pushover with almost no confidence in herself and her opinions. Insecurity is also just written all over her, from the way that she avoids eye contact with people to the soft-spoken way that she talks and easily yields whenever she’s in a debate with someone.


As a Delta, Dina can easily make any type of plant flourish and grow healthy within a time span of a few days to a week.

She can also summon a plethora of plants and large amounts of vegetation at will in a few seconds flat if desired, but she can only pull off that sort of power move during rare occasions and whenever she’s feeling okay. If she’s too hungry, thirsty, or just feeling dizzy and/or faint overall, she won’t force herself to do something that powerful.

She‘s an expert at determining which type of tea leaves does what to help you heal a stomachache, a cold, or with stress, but that’s about it. She’s still practicing and can’t do much else.


Unlike a lot of Candyfloss, since most Floss typically come from warm, loving family units, Dina was born and raised in a very dysfunctional household. She was an only child who was constantly getting pulled back and forth between her divorced parents, who had split and had their marriage gems removed (even if it was a really painful process) when she was three.

Her father and mother were always wrestling for custody and control over her, treating her more like a trophy that they both wanted rather than an actual child.

Dina spent a lot of time staying after school a lot in order to avoid facing her parents. Since they were constantly wanting her to love one parent more than the other, Dina often moved in between two places. In one week, she was staying with her father. In the next week, it was her mother. The same pattern would resume, alternating from one week to the next, always in constant motion.

She also used to be a target for verbal bullying during some of her classes in elementary school. Because she was so shy, she was an easy target that her peers could pick on and vent through, so as a result, she’d always afraid of socializing with others due to unpleasant past experiences.

Even though she never got picked on in middle and high school, even if the verbal bullying had stopped by then, Dina had always been cautious and fearful of social interaction with anyone that’s not a plant.

Eventually, and over time, Dina’s parents stopped trying to go at each other and realized on their own how badly they’ve been parenting over the years. The realization just came to them one day when they realized that they had no idea who their daughter actually was since she’d always tried to stay after school a lot and avoid seeing them at home.

Things are better as of today and her parents are trying to get along and be more civilized too. The whole family situation has lightened up now.

As mentioned briefly before, Dina now currently works at a greenhouse and tends the plants there. She specializes in nurturing and growing herbal and medicinal tea leaves and is content with what she does for a living so far. At least her job is peaceful (for the most part) and doesn’t require too much strenuous effort.


Because of how she was raised, Dina takes a while to accept affection and friendships. She’s usually very skeptical of someone if they treat her nicely from the first meeting.

She enjoys working with tea leaves and just loves tea in general. She loves drinking it and studying it and making it.

Dina only specializes in the study of herbal and medicinal tea leaves, not candy harvests or anything else. She has the ability to help any type of plants and vegetation thrive, but she’s only studied about tea leaves specifically because of her work.

Though most Deltas are indeed very superstitious and believe in maintaining a clean aura and whatnot, Dina isn’t as big of an advocate for those beliefs. She doesn’t necessarily disagree with maintaining a clean aura or anything of the like either, she just doesn’t try to strongly force those beliefs down someone else's throat. She considers herself neutral in the whole matter.

Dina currently shares an apartment with her girlfriend Yvonne. It's more convenient to live with her, especially since they both work in the same greenhouse. Also, Dina doesn't mind waking up in Yvonne's arms every morning. That's a little bonus that she truly appreciates.


U8HIpsp.jpg Yvonne Petrov

beloved girlfriend

diq2DeT.jpg Enzo Telos

best friend and co-worker

XfIIJkN.jpg Rose Belladonna

a friend and co-worker

0NGxWLL.jpg Gwyneth Kalama

a cool friend she knows through Yvonne

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another cool friend she knows through Yvonne

Poqtqyn.jpg Diego Sanchez

an eventual mutual she'll know through JC

8V8lfow.jpg Bermuda Fen

a kooky old neighbor

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the neighbor's adoptive son

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her co-owned Anosia Dragon

I-I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to get in your way.
