Gwyneth Kalama



5 years, 2 months ago


Gwyneth Kalama
Age 22
Height 4'6"
Gender Female
Pronouns she/her
Species Candyfloss
Flavor Popfloss
Clan Alpha
Personality Stats
Domestic Life
Continent Psekazi
Region Delta
Job Cop
Obtained VIA Gift
Creator ink-palette
Layout by Cheeriko
Let's get this party started!

Gwyneth's a cop located in the Delta region. She's always full of energy! She is generally liked by the people around her because of her friendly demeanor. She also loves hanging out with thrill-seeking friends.


Gwyneth has light pink fur with no markings at all. She has short, straight cut hair. The left side being longer and bright pink. The right side of her hair is shorter and a dark blue. She has cyan blue eyes, as well as studs under her lips like spider bites.

She has dark blue spikes on her knuckles and collar bones. She also has a bright cyan halo over her head.

  • Legendary: blank coat, knuckle spikes, collar spikes
  • Uncommon: studs, halo


Gwyneth is a cheerful Floss. She's almost always full of energy. She doesn't take a lot of things seriously and she can be one hell of a slacker, but she does know when to stop joking around. She's one hell of a thrill seeker in and out of work. Despite being a slacker, if she puts her mind to something she'll do her very best to achieve it.

Honestly, she doesn't exactly know how to handle more serious situations, but she is very good at cheering a person up. She's also known to have a short attention span.


  • She has the power of pyrokinesis, which she is pretty good at.
  • Her right ear is peirced, allowing her to have 2 industrial piercings and a lower lobe piercing.
  • She also has a toned yet feminine physique.
  • She doesn't find her job to be very interesting at all.
  • As a Popfloss, she loves to eat candy, as well as sweets and salty snacks! She especially likes junk food in general.
  • She doesn't like wearing constricting clothes. Most clothes fall under constricting to her. She'll usually wear things that make her feel free to move around as much as she wants


Gwyneth was raised by two Alpha parents. They lived a normal life, even with Gwyneth's energetic and uncontrollable personality. She's been extremely hyper ever since she was a child. She would often switch her attention from one thing to another in the span of some nanoseconds. Her teachers, caretakers and sometimes even her own parents couldn't handle her extreme hyperness. Her classmates and friends didn't seem to mind all that though.

Her lack of an attention span would result in her grades flunking. She had to repeat a grade or so because of this. She didn't exactly care for this since she always thought that if she actually tried, she would ace her classes. When she actually reached high school, that's what she did. She tried. Guess what? She failed. She realized how much harder it really is for her to actually keep her grades up. She kept being distracted from her school work by hanging out with friends

It was a childhood dream of hers to be a police officer of some kind, which she still genuinely wanted to be. So she actually tried harder with her studies. It actually helped her to be more organized and controlled with her energy Here she is now, living her dream job. Which actually isn't as exciting as she thought it would be.

Enzo | boyfriend
Enzo is her precious boyfriend! She was a little bit unnerved by him just because of how he just scowled at her from afar. It had to be explained to her that 'that's just how his face looks like'. At some point, he did ask her out. She decided to give him a chance and surprisingly, they're smooth sailing from there! They were able to move in together after some time.
Bonbon | pet
Bonbon is her Flóka Drákon. He's a little rascal, but she still loves him regardless. She likes giving him belly rubs.
JC | friend
They're thrill-seeking buds! She doesn't really care that he's an Iota that leads a biker gang since they're not really as bad as people make it out to be. What just matters is that they get along pretty well!
Yvonne | friend
They're thrill-seeking buds! Gwyneth goes out with Yvonne pretty often along with JC. They go on adventures where they just have some fun like at parties, carnivals or even festivals.
Dina | friend
They're friends! She knows Dina through Yvonne. Gwyneth finds it funny that Dina's just the odd one out when they hang out together with Yvonne and/or JC but that doesn't mean Gwyneth is gunna be excluding her.
Oakley | cousin
Oakley is a cousin of Gwyneth's! She knows absolutely nothing about Oakley's scamming tendencies. Hell, she knows that Oakley's an online teacher! This is really admirable to Gwyneth actually.
Diego | mutual
Diego's a mutual friend that she knows through JC! She doesn't know too much about the dude, but she's pretty sure he does his job better than she does.
Rose | mutual
They're mutual friends since they're both chill with Enzo, Dina, and Yvonne. Gwyneth would also visit Rose for any work-related injuries since she's the best healer around.
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