Eon Island (Festivera)



5 years, 5 months ago





Scientific Name Excutite Osseus
DietSand, seashells, bones
PowerMiniature earthquakes
WeaknessBeing in the air, shaking too long


Belonging to the bio power class, this happy skeleton attacks by simply shaking its body to an extent that causes a miniature earthquake in a twelve meter radius around its body. The key to this shaking comes from its shoulders, which happen to resemble maracas. Festiveras will rattle and shake for hours long causing long earthquakes that can topple cities. However, if they do it too long they fall apart and have to manually put themselves back together. As expected, they can't use this power while in the air.


The festivera usually appear as colorful skeletons with many accents of varying colors. The base colors for the skeletons tend to be white, yellow, black, or green. All festiveras have three triangular markings on their skull and six feathers coming out of the back of their skull. Their arms are notably elongated and they have three finger like claws on their hands. Their feet have three claws with the third one on the heel. Their tail resembles a maraca like their shoulders and even rattles like one as well!


Festivera belong to specter social class. They are a very happy race, often just trying to have a good time and party, no matter the weather or time. While nothing is directly connecting their bones together, it's said that their spirit is what keeps their bones bound together. They absolutely love putting on a show and hold large festivals out in the desert. Since their power is doomsday for infrastructure they don't really have homes. Instead they sleep in the sand and let the heat mend their bones from stress. They happen to eat the sand as well to absorb minerals.


Festiveras were always an energetic sort ever since creation. They were first created within one of the budding towns of Eon Island's southern side, which unfortunately turned out to be a mistake. The festiveras would go wild in the streets in a non hostile, but troublesome way, like party animals letting loose. Their combined vibration powers caused Lucyfir to sink below its surrounding territories. Following this incident Eon helped mitigate damage while migrating the festiveras to a large northern desert known as Maraparti. The soft sands felt great on their bones, and their earthquakes help shaped the surrounding mountains and elevated regions such as Rebel's Hook and Giant's Bed.


● The rib cage of a festivera can be used like a xylophone.

● Many festiveras naturally have stutters from the jawbones shaking rapidly when trying to speak.

● It's the festiveras' diet of sand that gives its tail its rich sound.

● Festiveras have very long life cycles, making them centenarians. 

● The earthquake of a festivera is a 6.8 on the Richter Scale.

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