Eon Island (Idealadin)



5 years, 2 months ago





Scientific NamePromissum Ex Deus
PowerSolar swords, flight via combustion


The idealadin is a member of the bio power class. It excels in using solar energy for its abilities which include swords made of light energy coming out of slits in its arms and a form of combustion that allows it to fly. By channeling solar energy into its back, it can release said energy into a big fiery explosion. The four wings are used to glide around after a boost from their energy explosions. The swords of solar energy they possess can carve through stone with ease, melting minerals in its way with intense heat.


The idealadin is a tall red insect-like creature with a large crest and white markings around its body. Its four wings are a pale pinkish red, and the same coloration can be found on their chest in the form of a star shaped marking. Their legs have three sections to them giving the impression of armored leggings. They have fiery red eyes and their arms are a nice white, while the sword contained inside is red. They reach five feet and nine inches.


Idealadins are members of the humanoid social class. They are very honorable emotibeasts with strong ideals they keep close to their heart. They stand by their beliefs and would rather die than abandon them. When idealadins have opposing ideals they will fight to the death, having a duel until one of them finally dies under the blade of other.


The idealadin is a special species due to the fact they were actually based on someone in Eon Solaria's life, his grandfather Rage Solaria. Like him, these emotibeasts share strong ideals. Their appearance has a clear connection to Rage as well. Eon made this species for the sole purpose of them serving as the island's protectors. He put his trust in them just as he did with his grandfather, and hoped they would live up to be heroes. Which is just what they did, living by their heroic ideals to serve the island well.


● The fiery burst from the idealadins' back reaches mach one if built up long enough.

●  Idealadins are very protective of children.

● Their wings can't lift the idealadin on their own, they can only glide.

● Idealadins work in groups often. teamwork makes the dream work!

● Like a puriton, an idealadin only needs sunlight to survive.

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